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CTDUPMIS general parameters

General parameters are specified in the beginning of the parameter stream. They define the utility’s working mode and location of the decollation mission definition members, and are listed in Table 273 below.

Table 273 CTDUPMIS general parameters




Indicates whether the utility will actually update the decollation mission definitions or only issue the report without actual updating. Mandatory.

Valid values are:

  • PROD – The selected decollation mission definitions are updated and the report is issued.
  • TEST – The utility works in simulation mode. The decollation mission definitions are not actually updated. Only report and updating messages are issued.


The name of the library where the input decollation mission definition members are located. Maximum 44 characters. Mandatory.


The name of the library where the selected decollation mission definition members are stored. Maximum 44 characters. If it is specified, the OUTLIB value must be different from the REPLIB value. If this parameter is not specified, the decollation mission definition members are updated in the REPLIB library.


This parameter indicates how the selected decollation mission definition members are stored to the output library.

Valid values are:

  • CAT – only selected categories are stored to the output member. STORE=CAT can be specified only when OUTLIB parameter is specified (the updated members are then stored to another REPLIB library).
  • MEM – the selected members are completely stored to the output library. Default.

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CTDUPMIS Parameters