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CTDUFUPD Selection Parameters

The following parameters can be specified after the SELECT statement:

Table 263 CTDUFUPD SELECT Parameters




Type of file to be acted upon. Specify at least one of the following files:

  • ACT – Active User Report List file
  • HST – History User Report List file
  • MIG – Migration User Report List file
  • PRM – Permanent User Report List file. Mandatory


Indicates whether the search and update specifications are written to the file referenced by DD statement PRINTDET.

Valid values:

  • DETAILS – These protocols are written.
  • SHORT – These protocols are not written.

Optional. Default: SHORT.


Maximum number of lines that can be written to DD statement PRINTDET. This parameter enables you to limit the number of lines written when large User files are used. Optional. Default: no limit.


Files are not changed. However, a report of all records to be updated or deleted is produced. Default.

Records are actually updated or deleted.


When used, this parameter causes all selectable fields of either the selected primary or default USER records to be written to the file referenced by DD statement WR2FILE. All fields are written without delimiters, and both the full source record key and the letter designating the source User Report List file are added at the end of each record.


Enables you to specify a DD statement that references a data set containing the list of single USER field values or pairs of USER field values.

When the referenced data set contains single USER values, the values are used to select matching source records.

When the referenced data set contains pairs of USER values, the first value of each pair is used to select the source record, which is then replaced by the second value. Replacements take place only after all changes are performed according to a CHANGE TO statement.

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CTDUFUPD Parameters