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CTDRSTMS Parameters

The input parameters for the CTDRSTMS utility are supplied in the file referred to by the SYSIN DD statement. Input parameters are keyword formatted. They can be specified in random order, but each parameter can be specified only once.

There are two groups of input parameters:

Table 241 CTDRSTMS action definition parameters




Determines whether the utility runs in Production mode or in Simulation (Test) mode. Optional.

Valid values are:

  • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, setting the restore requests for the history or migrated reports according to selection criteria. Default.
  • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing selection and reporting functions but not setting the restore requests


User file type to be acted upon. Mandatory.

Valid values are:

  • HST – History User file
  • MIG – Migration User file


Indicates whether to print a list of selected reports.

Valid values are:

  • YES – Print the list of selected reports. Default.
  • NO – Do not print the list of selected reports.


Name of the restore mission that will be used to restore the selected reports. Mandatory.

Maximum length is eight characters.


Name of the print mission that will be used to print the restored reports. Optional.

Maximum length is eight characters.

Table 242 CTDRSTMS report selection criteria parameters




Earliest decollation mission ordering date (ODATE). Date format is dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined in the IOAPARM installation member).

If TODATE is omitted when FROMDATE is specified, all reports with an ODATE that is equal to or later than FROMDATE are selected.


Latest decollation mission ordering date (ODATE). Date format is dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined in the IOAPARM installation member).

If FROMDATE is omitted when TODATE is specified, all reports with an ODATE that is equal to or earlier than TODATE are selected.


User name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.


Job name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.


Report name. This can be a specific value or a mask. If blank spaces or apostrophes are included in the report name, the report name must be written between apostrophes and any apostrophes that are included as part of the report name must be doubled. Maximum length is 50 characters.


Job number. This is a numeric value. Maximum length is seven digits.


Backup mission name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.


Earliest backup date of selected reports. Date format is dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined in the IOAPARM installation member).

If BKPTO is omitted when BKPFROM is specified, all reports with a backup date that is equal to or later than BKPFROM are selected.


Latest backup date of selected reports. Date format is dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined in IOAPARM installation member).

If BKPFROM is omitted when BKPTO is specified, all reports with a backup date that is equal to or earlier than BKPTO are selected.


Migration mission name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters


Earliest migration date of selected reports. Date format is dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined in the IOAPARM installation member).

If MIGTO is omitted when MIGFROM is specified, all reports with migration date that is equal to or later than MIGFROM are selected.


Latest migration date of selected reports. Date format is dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined in IOAPARM installation member).

If MIGFROM is omitted when MIGTO is specified, all reports with a migration date that is equal to or earlier than MIGTO are selected.


Migration media name. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is eight characters.


Serial number of the volume to which the reports are migrated or backed up. This can be a specific value or a mask. Maximum length is six characters.

Note: The USER, JOBNAME, REPNAME, JOBID, MIGMIS, BKPMIS, MIGMEDIA, and VOLSER parameters can be set not only to include, but to exclude restoration of the corresponding reports. In order to use the EXCLUDE option, a minus sign (-) should precede the parameter value.

Parent Topic

CTDRSTMS – Massive Restore Request