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CTDRETC Parameters

Parameters are specified in statements in the SYSIN DD input stream. They must be specified in the following order:

  1. General parameters
  3. Selection parameters
  4. Repeat INCLUDE with other Selection parameters if needed.
  6. Selection parameters
  7. Repeat EXCLUDE with other Selection parameters if needed.

General parameters are specified in the beginning of the input stream. They define the utility's action, working mode and list of printed reports. The general parameters are described in the Table 233:

Table 233 CTDRETC general parameters




One of these parameters must be specified in the first statement in the input stream. It defines the action of the utility:

  • PRESERVE - The RETENTION PRESERVE flag is turned on in the USER and SYSDATA records related to the selected reports. All reports related to the preserved SYSDATA record are not deleted by the CTVCLMIG and CTDCLHST utilities, even though the retention period is expired.
  • FREE -The RETENTION PRESERVE flag is turned off in the USER records related to the selected reports. The selected SYSDATA record is freed if all USER records related to this SYSDATA are freed. After the SYSDATA record is freed, the reports are deleted by the CTVCLMIG and CTDCLHST utilities according to their original retention period.
  • DELREP -The USER records related to the selected reports are deleted from the Migrated and History User files, even if their retention period is not expired. If all the USER records related to the migrated and backed-up CDAM datasets are deleted, the next CTVCLMIG and CTDCLHST runs (with the NOSYS parameter set to S) delete the other User file records (such as SYSDATA and Index) and the datasets related to the deleted reports.
  • CHANGE - The retention period of the selected reports is changed to the new one specified in the input parameter. The retention period is located in the SYSDATA record and so only fields located in SYSDATA records can be specified as selection criteria for this action. You can see which selection parameters are not available for this action.
  • PRINT - The output reports specified in the LIST parameter are printed.


Determines if the list of deleted Report keys will be produced. This optional parameter can only be specified for the DELREP action.

Valid values are:

  • NO - List of deleted Report keys is not produced. Default.
  • YES - List of deleted Report keys is produced.

If YES is specified, add the following DD statement to the CTDRETC job:


The VSA keys of the deleted reports will be added to the dataset specified in DAREPLM DD statement if these reports were added to the Global Index database. The record of this dataset is 25 bytes long and includes a 24-byte VSA key of the report and a blank in the last position.


Specifies the new retention period for the selected reports. Numeric value. Maximum length is 5 digits.

This parameter can be specified and is mandatory only for the CHANGE action.


Determines the file type to be processed.

The valid values are:

  • HST - History User file
  • MIG - Migration User file



Determines whether the CTDRETC utility runs in Production mode or Simulation mode. It is recommended that you run the utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode. Valid values are:

  • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, changing and deleting report entries and CDAM files that satisfy the requirements specified by other parameters. Default.
  • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting, but not changing or deleting any files.



Determines which output reports are printed by the utility.

The valid values are

  • ALL - all output reports available for the performed action and processed User file type are printed.

One or several of the following output report names can be specified. If several names are specified, they must be separated by commas and the list enclosed in parenthesis.

  • RECORDS - list of all User file records related to the processed reports. (Note: Since specifying RECORDS includes the reports also, do not specify both REPORTS and RECORDS.)
  • REPORTS - list of all reports processed by the utility. Default.
  • FILES - list of CDAM and Index files related to the selected reports.

    Note: LIST=FILES is not available for the DELREP action.

  • VOLS - list of Volume Serial numbers related to the selected reports.

    Note: LIST=VOLS is not available for the DELREP action.

Table 234 describes selection parameters that can be specified in the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements.

The following rules apply to the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements:

Table 234 CTDRETC selection parameters




It specifies the status of the report involved in the approval process.

Valid values:

  • WAITAPRV - report waiting for approval
  • REJECTED - rejected report
  • APPROVED - approved report


It specifies the name (or the template name) of the backup mission used to back-up of the reports. The maximum length is 8 characters.

It is available for all actions with the HST file type only.


It specifies the type of the backup utility as it is specified in the CTDPARM parameters member. The maximum length is 8 characters.

It is available for all actions with HST file type only.


It specifies the name (or the template name) of the report category. Maximum length is 20 characters.

It is available for all actions and file types.


It specifies the name (or the template name) of the CDAM dsname (data set name) containing the report. The maximum length is 44 characters.

It is available for all actions and file types. For the MIG file type, the original CDAM or the migrated CDAM dataset name can be specified.

If FILE=HST, the original CDAM dsname is searched. If FILE=MIG, the original and the primary and secondary migrated CDAM dsnames are searched.


Report decollation date. A date or range of dates in the form of date1-date2 can be specified. The date format is MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY, or YY/MM/DD, depending on the site standard defined in the IOAPARM installation member.

It is available for all actions and file types.


It specifies the expiration date or range of dates for the migrated or backed-up reports. One date or range of dates (in the form of date1-date2) can be specified. The dates can be specified in one of the following formats, DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, or YY/MM/DD, depending on the site standard, defined in the IOAPARM installation member.

It is available for all actions and file types.


It specifies the number of the latest report generations to keep in the Migrated (History) User file. All other report generations will be deleted by the utility.

The maximum value is 99999.

It is only available in the INCLUDE statement for the DELREP action.


It specifies the name (or the template name) of the Control-V Index dsname (data set name) related to the report. The maximum length is 44 characters.

If FILE=HST, the original Index dsname is searched. If FILE=MIG, the original and the migrated Index dsname is searched. For the MIG file type, the original or the migrated Index dataset name can be specified.

It is not available for the CHANGE action.


It specifies the name (or the template name) of the Main Control-V Index name related to the report. The maximum length is 20 characters.

It is not available for the CHANGE action.


It specifies the system job identification number. Numeric value. The maximum length is 7 digits.

It is available for all actions and file types.


It specifies the name (or the template name) of the job created the report. The maximum length is 8 characters.

It is available for all actions and file types.


It specifies the name (or the template name) of the media to where the report content is migrated. The maximum length is 8 characters.

It is available for all actions with the MIG file type only.


It specifies the name (or the template name) of the migration mission with which the reports have been migrated. The maximum length is 8 characters.

It is available for all actions with the MIG file type only.


It specifies the ordering date or range of dates (in the format of date1-date2) of the report. The dates can be specified in one of the following formats, DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, or YY/MM/DD, depending on the site standard defined in the IOAPARM installation member.

It is available for all actions and file types.


The valid values are

  • YES – select preserved reports
  • NO – select not preserved reports


It specifies the name (or the template name) of the Report. If blanks or apostrophes are included in the Report name, the Report name must be specified between apostrophes and any apostrophes included in the Report name must be doubled. The maximum length is 50 characters.

It is not available for the CHANGE action.


It specifies the retention period of the backed-up or migrated report. Numeric value. The maximum length is 5 digits.

It is available for all actions and file types.


It specifies the name (or the template name) of the report recipient. The maximum length is 8 characters.

It is not available for the CHANGE action.


It specifies the tape volume serial number (or the template) where the backup or migrated content of the report resides. The maximum length 6 characters.

It is available for all actions and file types.

Parent Topic

CTDRETC – Control-D report retention