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CTDNREOR Parameters

The following input parameters are specified in the SYSIN DD input stream and define the User file and number of report entries to be processed by the utility:

Table 228 CTDNREOR utility input parameters




Determines which Control-D User file is being processed. Valid values are:

  • ACT - Active User file
  • HST - History User file
  • MIG - Migration User file



Determines whether the CTDNREOR utility runs in Production mode or Simulation mode. Valid values are:

  • PROD - The utility runs in Production mode, writing the created Notepad records in the new format to the User file and deleting the Notepad records in the old format. Default.
  • TEST - The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting, but not changing or deleting any records in the User file.


Determines maximum number of report entries to be processed in one run of CTDNREOR.

The utility stops after processing the specified number of reports. The remaining reports with the old format Notepad records can be processed in the next run of the utility.

Maximum available value is 99999999.

This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, all reports from the specified User file are processed in one utility run. This parameter is provided for convenience, since there might be situations where the user does not want to schedule the time required for processing all the reports in one utility run.

Parent Topic

CTDNREOR – Translate Notepad records to new format