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CTDNRC – Propagate category to note and ruler records

The CTDNRC utility propagates the category field from user records to the corresponding note and ruler records in Active, Migrated, and History User databases. The utility prepares the User files for using the category field as the key instead of JOBNAME this is in accordance with optional wish WD1164 set to APPLY=YES, DATAC=CAT.

The CTDNRC utility processes a sequential file unloaded from the User files and creates a new sequential file containing corrected records, which are loaded to the User files. In addition, the utility creates a sequential User List file that contains a list of user records.

The notes and rulers, which are created when WD1164 is applied include the category field. For this reason, the CTDNRC utility should be performed once.

To apply optional wish WD1164, perform the following steps:

  1. Unload Active, Migrated, and History databases to sequential files using the IOADUL utility (job CTDUFDUL).
  2. Propagate the category to note and ruler in all of the files generated in step 1 using the CTDNRC utility (job CTDNRC).
  3. Set optional wish WD1164 to APPLY=YES,DATAC=CAT.
  4. Restore Active, Migrated, and History databases from sequential files using the CTDUFRST job.

If there are rulers in the Active User file whose reports are already migrated (backed up) it is necessary to propagate the category from the Migrated (History) User database to the appropriate rulers in the Active User database. The CTDNRCM job creates a Migrated User List file using the CTDNRC utility with special DAUSR DD statements in the first step, and then propagates the category from the created file to rulers of the Active User database, using the CTDNRC utility with the SORTIN DD statement in the second step (see Example 2).

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Control-D and Control-V Utilities