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CTDDIP EXEC Statement Parameters

The CTDDIP utility EXEC statement includes the parameters shown in Table 224.

Table 224 CTDDIP EXEC Statement Parameters




Determines whether the CTDDIP utility will run in Production mode or Simulation mode. Optional. Valid values are:

  • PROD – The utility runs in Production mode, deleting index values and pages matching the parameters supplied by the input stream data.
  • TEST – The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting, without deleting any indexes or pages. Default.


Determines the character-filler for CDAM. The parameter can be in one of the following formats:

  • one character
  • two hexadecimal characters
  • blank (default)


Determines, for unique report entry selection, the type of time stamp used in the TIME STAMP parameter in the input stream data set. Optional. Valid values are:

  • REC – Record time stamp (Record ID). Default.
  • DEC – Decollation time stamp


Determines whether the CTDDIP utility will produce an input statement and selected report lists. Valid values are:

  • YES or Y – Produce input statement and report lists and put them into the output file defined in the REPLIST DD statement. Default.
  • NO or N – Do not produce input statement and selected report lists.


Determines the number of DB2 global index entries that can be deleted before COMMIT is forced. Valid values are: 0 through 2147483647. Default: 10000.

To store the results of each phase, the CTDDIP utility uses two work data sets, DAWRK and DAWRKD. The utility creates these data sets during first its execution.

If execution of the utility is interrupted, it should be attempted once again. In each case the process will be continued from the beginning of the interrupted phase. To force continuation from the very outset, you must delete all records from the DAWRKD work data set.

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CTDDIP Parameters