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CTDDELRP – Delete Reports that are not needed

The CTDDELRP utility cleans unneeded user, report, and job entries from the Active User Report List file and erases from the disk the compressed (CDAM) data sets that have no entries in the Active User Report List file. The utility can also move a report entry from the Active User Report List file to either the History User Report List file or the Migrated User Report List file. To do this, the following must be true:

The utility determines which reports are no longer needed for backup, migration, Online viewing, or printing, by means of user-specified selection groups. A selection group consists of a DAYS or GENERATIONS statement and optional INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements. The DAYS statement contains a retention period that specifies the number of days that the reports remain online, after which they are deleted by the utility. The GENERATIONS statement specifies the number of the latest report generations to keep in the Active User file. All other report generations will be deleted by the utility. The optional INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements further qualify which reports belong to the selection group. Several DAYS and GENERATIONS selection groups can be specified in the input stream for the utility. At least one DAYS or GENERATIONS statement must be specified.

By specifying multiple selection groups, each with its own retention period and INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements, groups of entries with differing retention periods can be deleted by a single execution of the CTDDELRP utility. Selection groups are scanned sequentially. The processing of a report is determined by the selection groups whose INCLUDE / EXCLUDE criteria match the report.

The CTDDELRP utility performs the following steps:

  1. Records to be deleted from the Active User Report List file are selected according to the parameters specified for the utility, and written to a temporary file.

    Records for reports that have been backed up are written to the History User Report List file. CDAM files to be deleted are written to an intermediate file.

  2. The temporary file is read and the records it contains are deleted from the Active User Report List file.
  3. CDAM files stored in the intermediate file, in Step 1, are deleted.

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Control-D and Control-V Utilities