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CTDCCU Parameters

Table 212 CTDCCU Parameters




Specifies the date range for selecting CDAM and Control-V index files


fromdate - todate

where fromdate is mandatory; todate is optional.

Date is in format mmddyy, ddmmyy, or yymmdd, depending on the site standard. todate must not exceed the run date minus one (the day before the run date), unless the SIMULATION parameter’s value is set to YES.

If todate is not specified, it defaults to the specified fromdate.


Specifies the CDAM or Control-V index file prefix. At least one PREFIX command is required. Multiple PREFIX commands are supported. Maximum length: 23 characters.

Note: PREFIX is treated as an exact high-level qualifier of data set names that are processed with the utility.


An optional sub-parameter of the PREFIX parameter. CAT can be coded after the PREFIX parameter, separated by a comma.

CAT specifies the system or user catalog data set that is used to locate CDAM or Control-V index data sets that should be included in the utility process.

If CAT is not coded, all system and connected user catalog data sets are used by the utility to locate either CDAM or Control-V index files that have the specified prefix in the data set names.

Note: CAT can be used when there are many CDAM or Control-V index data sets in catalogs and when the message


is issued while running the utility.


Creates a report on non-referenced CDAM or Control-V index files, and specifies whether to delete those files during the run of the utility. Valid values are:

  • YES – Create report. Do not delete the files. Default.
  • NO – Create report. Delete all non-referenced CDAM and Control-V files.

Note: Run the CTDCCU utility first in Simulation mode to ensure that only the correct files are deleted.


Search the History User Report file for references to CDAM files that are not referenced from the Active User Report List file. Search the History User Report file for references to Control-V index files that are not referenced from neither the Active User Report List file nor the Migrate User Report List file. Valid values are:

  • YES – Perform search. Either CDAM or Control-V index files that are referenced by the History User Report List file are not deleted.
  • NO – Do not search the History User Report List file. Default.


Deletes SYSDATA records from the Active User Report List file when the corresponding CDAM files are not found. Valid values are:

  • YES – Delete the SYSDATA records when the corresponding CDAM files are not found.
  • NO – Do not delete the SYSDATA records when the CDAM files are not found. Default.

Parent Topic

CTDCCU – Delete Unneeded CDAM Files