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CTDCA2P – Copy Active User Report File to Permanent

The CTDCA2P utility copies new user, report, job or category entries from the Active User Report List file to the Permanent User Report List file. The Permanent User Report List file contains a list of all the reports that each user can receive at any point in time. When a new report is defined, or when a user becomes a report recipient (because of new data from the application), this information is placed in the Active User Report List file after decollation.

This utility copies new entries from the Active User Report List file to the Permanent User Report List file. In this way, the list of reports that the user can receive is maintained automatically.

Records already existing in the Permanent User Report List file with the same JOBNAME, REPORT NAME, RECIPIENT NAME, CATEGORY, FROM USER are not updated.

It is recommended that you run the CTDCA2P utility on a daily basis. For more information, see the Control-D and Control-V chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

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Control-D and Control-V Utilities