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CTDAUTR Parameters

The input parameters for the utility are specified in the stream referred by the SYSIN DD statement. They must be specified in the following order:

  1. General parameters
  3. Selection parameters
  4. Repeat INCLUDE with other Selection parameters, if needed.
  6. Selection parameters
  7. Repeat EXCLUDE with other Selection parameters, if needed.

The general parameters are described in Table 203.

Table 203 CTDAUTR general parameters




Specifies which report the utility is to produce. Valid values are:

  • RECIPIENTS - list of recipients authorized for a specific user. Default.
  • REPORTS - list of available Control-D reports authorized for a specific user.


Specifies whether to use the online or web exits to check recipients and Control-D reports authorization. Valid values are:

  • ONLINE - the online exits CTDX004 and CTDSE04 are used. Default.
  • WEB - the IOA Application server exits CTDX024 and CTDSE024 are used.


Specifies which Control-D user files (active, migrated and history) the utility should scan to get the list of authorized reports. To use this parameter the ACTION parameter must be set to REPORTS. Valid values are:

  • ACT - active. Default.
  • MIG - migrated
  • HST - history

Combinations for more then one value are allowed. If more then one file is specified, the values should be separated by comma.


Indicates User ID for which the report should be issued.

This parameter can be specified several times. In this case different report for each specified User ID is issued.

At least one USERID parameter should be specified obligatory.

Table 204 describes selection parameters that can be specified in the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements.

The following rules apply to the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements:

Parent Topic

CTDAUTR – Create list of recipients and reports authorized for a specific User ID