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CTDAPRV Parameters

The utility parameters are specified in the SYSIN DD input stream. They must be specified in the following order:

  1. General parameters - define the utility's working mode. Refer to Table 199.
  2. Command statements - commands that are specified in the input stream. Refer to Table 200.

    Table 199 CTDAPRV general parameters




    Determines whether the utility runs in Production mode or Simulation mode. It is recommended that you run the utility in Simulation mode before running it in Production mode.

    Valid values:

    • PROD - The utility runs in Production mode, performing the actions specified in the input command statements.
    • TEST - The utility runs in Simulation mode, performing analysis and reporting, but does not change or delete any database entries or send emails.


    Determines what date is used as the report creation date to calculate the report age and SLA date.

    Valid values:

    • ODATE (default) - The utility calculates the report age and SLA date from the ODATE.
    • DECDATE - The utility calculates the report age and SLA date from the decollation date.

Command statements have the following syntax:



   [Command parameters]


   Selection parameters


Selection parameters

One or more commands can be specified in the input stream.

The following commands are supported:

The parameter DAYS together with INCLUDE/EXCLUDE statements defines which reports should be selected for a command action. The command parameters specify the message text, urgency and email destination (optional). The email destination by default is taken from the corresponding Approval entry in the Approval Tree or optionally can be specified in the command parameters. See CTDCA2P Parameters in INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements for an explanation of these parameters.

Table 200 Parameter DAYS and command parameters




Main selection criteria.

Valid values:

  • n - Number of days passed from ODATE/decollation date (age of report). Reports with the age n days and more are selected for the command action.
  • SLA (default) - Reports, which have an SLA date of today or those with a date which has passed, are selected for the command action.
  • SLA+n - Reports which have an SLA date which has passed by n or more days are selected for the command action.
  • SLA-n - Reports which have an SLA date with n or less days remaining until the SLA date are selected for the command action.
  • DATE - A date can be specified for the APPROVE and REJECT commands. Reports, which have dates passed the specified date are selected for the command action.


The message urgency. Optional.

Valid values:

  • R - Send email with normal importance. Default.
  • U - Send email with high importance.




The email destination to which the message (or copy of message) should be sent. Optional. If it is not specified, the email destination is taken from the corresponding Approval entry in the Approval Tree.

Valid values:

  • Full email address
  • the e-mail prefix
    If you use the prefix, the full e-mail address is supplied by the IOAPARM member in the IOA PARM library. The IOAPARM member also includes the value of the DFLTSFFX field, which specifies the e-mail address suffix (such as MAIL.DOMAIN.COM), the SMTP STC name, and the HOST name.
    Note: The @ character is taken from the ATSIGN parameter in the IOAPARM member.
  • Nick name or group name defined in MAILDEST member. For more information regarding MAILDEST member, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

A combination of EMAIL parameters can be specified in the command.


Text of the message to be sent to those assigned to approve. This parameter is mandatory for the SHOUT command and optional for the APPROVE/REJECT commands. A separate email message is sent for each selected report entry.

The message text should be between apostrophes. If the text includes apostrophes, the internal apostrophes should be doubled.

The message can be continued in several input cards as long as it is divided between the cards on the word boundary. The utility replaces the blanks at the end of the first card and at the start of the continuation card by one blank in the output message.

The message can include AutoEdit variables which are resolved from the Report entry.

The following variables can be specified:

  • %%USER - Report recipient name
  • %%JOBNAME - Job name
  • %%REPNAME - Report name
  • %%CATEGORY - Report category
  • %%ODATE - Report ordering date
  • %%DECDATE - Report decollation date
  • %%DECTIME - Report decollation time
  • %%SLADATE - Report approving SLA date

Maximum message length of 240 characters.

Parent Topic

CTDAPRV – Analyze and update reports approval status