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Cross Reference Report Action Statements

Format of the cross-reference report action statement is:


Valid values for report-type:

Table 160 CTMXRF Cross-Reference Statements




Produces the Calendar/Job Name Cross Reference report. This report identifies job scheduling definitions that use a calendar and indicates whether the calendar is a DCAL, WCAL, CONFCAL or STAT CAL calendar.

To restrict the report to jobs whose calendar name begins with the prefix calpref, specify PARM=calpref*.


Produces the Job Condition Name Cross Reference report. This report lists conditions that are contained in:

  • Control-M tables
  • Control-O SolveWare and/or rules
  • Control-M/Tape rules
  • Control-D or Control-V or Control-M/Analyzer reports and/or missions

Each entry in the report indicates the table name, job name, product code (M for Control-M, O for Control-O, and so on), condition type (I=IN; O=OUT; C, F, or T=DOCOND), and status (+/-) for the condition.

To restrict the report to condition names that begin with the prefix condpref, specify PARM=condpref*.

To restrict the report to a specific condition date reference, specify PARM=|dateref where dateref can be a specific date reference (in ddmm or mmdd format according to the site standard), or a specific date keyword such as STAT, PREV, NEXT, ****. The first character of dateref is a vertical bar, hex code ‘4F’.

To restrict the report to long conditions (conditions with condition names longer than 20 characters), specify PARM=|CONT.


Produces the Job Name/Table Name Cross Reference report. This report identifies which tables contain jobs.

To restrict the report to tables whose job names begin with the prefix jobpref, specify PARM=jobpref*.


Produces the Library Name/Table Name Cross Reference report. This report identifies which jobs specify MEMLIB, OVERLIB, DOCLIB, PDS, or DO FORCEJOB libraries.

To restrict the report to libraries of a specific type, specify PARM=libtype. Valid libtype values: MEM, OVR, DOC, PDS, and FRC.


Produces the Resources/Job Name Cross Reference report. This report identifies Control-M jobs or Control-O rules that use resources and indicates the type, quantity, or state and options of the resources.To restrict the report to resource names that begin with the prefix respref, specify PARM=respref*.


Produces the RBC Name/Job Name Cross Reference report. This report identifies which jobs or tables specify rule-based calendars.

To restrict the report to jobs or tables whose rule-based calendars begin with the prefix rbcpref, specify PARM=rbcpref*.


Produces the Time/Job Name Cross Reference report. This report identifies jobs with a time criteria (TIME FROM, TIME UNTIL or DUE OUT TIME).

To table reports by time intervals, specify PARM=n, where n=2, 3 or 4.

  • n=2 tables jobs by hourly intervals.
  • n=3 tables jobs by 10 minute intervals.
  • n=4 tables jobs by 1 minute intervals.

Parent Topic

CTMXRF – Create Cross-Reference Reports