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CTMTLB Program Control parameters

Program Control parameters can be used when the scheduling tables contain distributed job definitions or are to be converted to distributed job definitions. These parameters affect how the XML output file is processed.

Table 157 CTMTLB Program Control Parameters




The tables (see Action parameters for CTMTLB) specified after this control statement should be treated as consisting of all mainframe (MF) or non-mainframe distributed (NONMF) job definitions. This parameter may be used multiple times when processing more than one table in a single execution. Default: MF

Note: Tables created by the CTMBLT utility may specify the CTMBLT DEFTYPE=X job parameter (not to be confused with the CTMTLB parameter of the same name). In such a case, an indication is placed in the job definition itself that the job is a non-mainframe definition. For example, when processing tables created by a Control-M conversion tool, do not use the CTMTLB DEFTYPE parameter, as CTMTLB will check the job definition itself to determine how to treat it (as a mainframe or distributed job).

If every job in a SMART Table is marked as non-mainframe, then the SMART Table Entity will also be marked as such by the CTMTLB utility.


Exclude either mainframe (MF) or distributed (NONMF) job definitions in the tables from being processed in the output XML file.

All SMART Table Entities will be treated as either distributed or mainframe entities for XML processing purposes, even if the table contains mainframe or distributed jobs.


where xxx is any SETVAR variable name (maximum length of 20 characters) and yyy can be any of the following:

  • FILETRG (the value of xxx specifies a File-Watcher file)
  • OWNER (the value of xxx includes Domain name coded as domain\owner)
  • NUMPARM (indicates that the 2-digit value (nn) specified in the value of xxx will be used as a count of the number of parameters %%PARMnn which must be appended following the CMDLINE text as follows: CMDLINE cmdline-text %%PARM1 ... %%PARMnn)

Distributed job definitions containing job definition parameters that are unique to distributed platforms can be simulated on the z/OS mainframe platform by using SETVAR job definition parameters. The resulting definitions can then be processed by the CTMTLB utility to produce XML scripts that are suitable for downloading to the distributed platforms.

SETVAR Example 1: Commands

The job definition contains a SETVAR statement of the form:    






If you specify the following control statement to CTMTLB:



The AutoEdit variable %%C causes a distributed CMDLINE parameter to be built in the output XML file, instead of %%C being treated as a real SETVAR statement. The value is as follows:

/agent/platform/cmds/to-run-on/win %%PARM1 %%PARM2 %%PARM3

If you must specify a Shell, then following standard UNIX conventions, the %%C SETVAR should be coded as follows:


SETVAR Example 2: File-Watcher

The job definition contains a SETVAR statement of the form:    


If you specify the following control statement to CTMTLB:


The AutoEdit variable %%F causes a distributed CMDLINE parameter to be built in the output XML file, instead of %%F being treated as a real SETVAR statement. The value is as follows:

ctmfw /agent/platform/file/win-or-unix/file.out

ctmfw is the File Watcher program.

SETVAR Example 3: Scripts (directory path and file name)

The job definition contains SETVAR statements of the form:



If you specify the following control statement to CTMTLB:



AutoEdit variables %%S and %%M cause distributed MEMLIB and MEMNAME parameters to be built in the output XML file, instead of %%S and %%M being treated as real SETVAR statements. Their values, respectively, are:

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CTMTLB Parameters