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CTMTBUPD Utility Control Statements

The following utility control statements must all be specified prior to any SEL selection control statements (described on CTMTBUPD Selection Control Statement), except where noted:

Table 154 CTMTBUPD Utility Control Statements




End of a SEL block. Mandatory if more than one SEL block is specified.


By default, both selection control statements (described in CTMTBUPD Selection Control Statement) and update parameters (described in Table 151a,b) use the asterisk (*) to indicate generic processing. However, because an asterisk can also be a valid part of a parameter value, you can designate an alternate character as the generic indicator.

To specify an alternate indicator, use the GENERIC-CHAR statement, where alt_char is any single character except a blank ( ), comma (,), period (.), or question mark (?).

The GENERIC-CHAR control statement can appear anywhere in the DAINPRM file and can be specified multiple times with different values.


By default (N), rule-based calendar names of ‘*’ in job scheduling definitions cannot be changed. However, when the value of GENERIC-RBC is set to Y, then all ‘*’ RBC names are changed to the name specified in the RBC=<new-rbc-name> UPDATE parameter.


Indicates that the BLT89AI update message issued by the utility is written to the IOA log in addition to the standard sysout file.


The completion code returned by the utility, if for any SEL selection criteria block, no tables have been updated. nnnn may be any number up to 4095. If this control statement is not coded, the default return code in such cases is 0.


Maximum number of tables in the Control-M job scheduling library specified in the CTMSCH DD statement. 1 through 7 digits. Default: 10000.


Beginning of a SEL block (described on CTMTBUPD Selection Control Statement). Mandatory.


Maximum number of lines contained in a table. 1 through 7 digits. Default: 40000.


By default (blank value) all SMART table entities and job definitions which satisfy the SEL criteria are updated by the Update parameters. A value of ‘G’ limits the scope of the SEL criteria so that only parameters in SMART table entities are to be updated. The UPDATE control statement can appear before any SEL/ENDSEL block to set or reset the SEL criteria scope.

Parent Topic

CTMTBUPD – Update Scheduling Definitions and Jobs in the AJF