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CTMRSTR Parameters

The following parameters are passed to the utility using the SYSIN DD file:

Table 148 CTMRSTR Parameters




Indicates whether to restore the IOA Conditions file and the Control-M Resources file

  • Y (Yes)—Restore the AJF, IOA Conditions file and the Control-M Resources file to their images at the time specified.
  • N (No)—Restore the AJF and the Control-M Resources file to their images at the time specified, but do not restore the IOA Conditions file. Default.

ENDTIME yyyymmddhhmmssth

Time until which the Control-M Active Jobs file is to be restored. The Active Jobs file image (after the New Day procedure) is updated to reflect the image of the file at the specified time. If ENDTIME is omitted, the data will be updated to reflect the image of the file immediately after the last New Day procedure. The time parameter consists of the following subparameters:

  • yyyy—4-character year.
  • mm—Month (1 – 12).
  • dd—Day (1 – 31).
  • hh—Hour (00 – 24).
  • mm—Minute (00 – 59).
  • ss—Second (00 – 59).
  • th—Hundredths of a second (00 – 99).If ENDTIME is omitted, the data will be updated to reflect the image of the file immediately after the last New Day procedure.

Parent Topic

CTMRSTR – Restore the Control-M Active Jobs File