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CTMRPLN Parameters

Table 147 CTMRPLN Parameters




Ignore jobs that reference calendar calname. This statement is optional. A maximum of eight IGNORE statements can be supplied.

This statement excludes a job from the report if its MONTHS parameter is filled with Y values and either of the following criteria is satisfied:

  • WDAYS is defined as ALL (or blank) and its associated WCAL is specified in the IGNORE statement.
  • DAYS is defined as ALL (or blank) and its associated DCAL is specified in the IGNORE statement.

JOBSDD ddname

DD name of the library. If specified, all members of the library are processed by the utility. This makes it unnecessary to specify a concatenation of DD statements (one statement for each table) in the JCL. Optional.

REPEND yymmdd

End date of end of report. Mandatory.


Start date of report. Mandatory.



Type of report (0, 0S, 1, 1S, 2 or 2S). Default: 0.

  • Type 0 and 0S – Displays a day-by-day list of planned jobs (in the specified date range). The jobs displayed for each day can be sorted according to member name or according to table. For each member in the list, the member name, table and description are displayed.
  • Type 1 and 1S – Displays a month by month table of planned jobs (in the specified date range), indicating days on which the jobs are planned for execution. This format is useful for drawing the entire month’s plan.
  • Type 2 and 2S – This report is identical to the Type 1 report, except that it also displays the job description for each job.

Note: If the "S" is specified in the identifier, the report displays the library and member names of the job, instead of the job description.

Type 2 reports require a laser printer or a wide printer.


Sort option. Default: MEMNAME. This parameter is relevant only for REPTYPE 0.

TABLES abc*, xyz*

Enables use of generic table names to process individual or multiple tables. Used together with the JOBSDD parameter. Only the members satisfying the pattern criteria specified in the TABLES parameter are selected from the library specified in the JOBSDD parameter and processed. Supports full masking. Optional.

Parent Topic

CTMRPLN – Job Plan Report