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CTMROGR Parameters

CTMROGR parameters are described in Table 145.

Table 145 CTMROGR Parameters



GROUP {groupname|ALL}

Group names to be included in the report. Up to 10 individual group names can be specified, or the value ALL can be specified to display all groups.


Time interval, in minutes, for which job execution in a table is indicated. Each interval is represented by one column of the report. Valid values are: 01 through 60.


Presentation mode of the report

  • SINGLE – Represent all job executions for a table and interval by a single *.
  • PARALLEL – Represent multiple job executions for a table and interval separately, by multiple asterisks.

REPEND yymmddhhmm

Latest end date and time for jobs included in the report

REPSTART yymmddhhmm

Earliest start date and time for jobs included in the report


Specifies the interval used for producing the CPU Consumption Report. The report also contains the R4HA data (Rolling Four Hours Highest Average CPU Usage) for every LPAR and the overall R4HA. The report is based on the CPU usage of all the jobs included in the report. The report can be produced either based on the actual data from Control-M and the job activity (if the actual IOA LOG is passed as the input to the utility) or based on the results of a Control-M Simulation (when the Simulation LOG is passed as the input to the utility).

Valid values: 0 – 1440 (in minutes). If set to 0, the CPU Consumption Report is not produced. Default is 60.

The report is produced in the Output DD statement, DACPUST.

Note: You can change the default number of lines for each page (60) by specifying PARM=‘LINECNT=xxx’ in the EXEC statement of the job.

Parent Topic

CTMROGR – Produce an Overnight Execution Graph