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Report Parameters (CTMRFLW)

Report parameters are optional. They are supplied using DD statement DAFLWPRM (or SYSIN).

Table 138 CTMRFLW Report Parameters




Indicates whether to print the Job Flow report in Graphic (chart) format. Valid values are:

  • YES – Produce a chart in addition to the Job Flow report.
  • NO – Produce only the Job Flow report. Default.


If specified, the CTMRFLW utility reads the Control-O table specified in DD statement DACTO. The CTMRFLW utility then marks all manual conditions added by Control-O rules with an asterisk (*), to distinguish them from other manual conditions. If this parameter is not specified, the Control-O table is not read.

FONT font_code

Valid only if PRINTER LASER is specified. FONT affects the quality and type of drawing in the chart. Valid font codes:

  • 1 Fine line
  • 2 Medium line; default
  • 3 Heavy line
  • 4 Very small characters
  • 9 High quality IBM character set; this font is not available at all IBM sites. Contact your IBM representative if you do not have this font.


Indicates which groups to include in the report, and the sort order of information included. Valid values are:

  • ALL – Sorts the jobs according to group as defined in the GROUP parameter in the job scheduling definitions. Default.
  • SIMPLIFIED – Creates the same report as the ALL report, but the SIMPLIFIED report

    - does not contain connections between SMART Table Entities and their jobs

    - contains only those connections between the jobs themselves

  • UNITED – All jobs in the table are considered as one group.
  • groupname – Includes the jobs of only the tables specified. Up to 20 groups can be specified, each on a different GROUP line. Do not specify group names if ALL or UNITED is specified.

Character masking of specified group names is supported, as follows:

  • ? represents any one character.
  • * represents any number of characters (including no characters).

JOBSDD ddname

DD name of the library. If specified, all members of the library are processed by the utility (unless limited by the TABLES parameter). This makes it unnecessary to specify a concatenation of DD statements (one statement for each table) in the JCL.

LINESIZE col_num

Maximum number of columns in a line of the logical page, where col_no is a multiple of 16, between 16 and 240. Default: 128.

MAXCARDS num_rcds

Maximum number of job scheduling definition records that can be processed. This parameter is useful when processing large numbers of records. Maximum limit: 9999999. Default: 96000.


A chart can exceed the physical page size of the paper in width and in length. In such cases, the chart is printed on multiple pages of paper. Use the PAGESEQ parameter to assist in placing the physical pages in order. Valid values are:

  • YES – Default: Page location is printed on the upper-right corner of the chart in the format:
    xx Positional page number from the left side of the chart
    yy Positional page number from the top of the chart
    PAGE=01,02 indicates that the current page is the first page from the left and the second from the top.
  • NO – Page location is not printed.

PAGESIZE line_no

Maximum number of lines in a logical page, where line-no is a multiple of 4, between 12 and 120. Default: 80.


Type of printer on which the chart is to be produced. Valid values are

  • LASER – IBM 38xx laser printer or compatible only. Default.
  • IMPACT – Any impact printer (1403, 3211, 3203, 3262, and so on).








Indicates the type of report to print. Each REPORT line can contain only one report type, but multiple REPORT lines can be specified. If no REPORT lines are specified, all report types are printed. Valid values:

  • JOBFLOW Job Flow report
  • XREFCOND Cross Reference list – prerequisite conditions
  • XREFCNTL Cross Reference list – control resources
  • XREFQUANT Cross Reference list – quantitative resources

TABLES tbl1,tbl2,...

Tables to be processed within the library identified by parameter JOBSDD. If parameter JOBSDD is specified without parameter TABLES, the entire library is processed. Supports full masking. For information about character masking, see Chapter 2, "IOA Utilities."


Indicates whether the scheduling criteria defined in the rule-based calendars to which the jobs refer, should be included in the Job Flow report.

Valid values:

  • No (default)
  • YES - the scheduling criteria from the relevant RBC is included in the report.

Parent Topic

CTMRFLW – Produce a Table Job Flow Report