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CTMRCAL – Create a Calendar Using the Job Plan Report

This utility creates calendars that contain all the dates on which the job is scheduled to execute. The calendars are based on the Job Plan report produced by the CTMRPLN utility.

The name of the calendar created for each job scheduling definition is the name of the job in parameter MEMNAME. This calendar is completely valid for all purposes. It can be viewed using Option 8 (Calendars) of the IOA Primary Option menu and it can be used by any Control-M or IOA utility.

The utility is composed of two steps:

  1. The first step produces the regular CTMRPLN report. For more details about this report, see CTMRPLN – Job Plan Report.
  2. The second step produces calendars for the job schedules analyzed by the first step. The calendars are written to the library referenced by DD statement DACAL (of the second step). The sample utility is supplied with the library prefix.version.CALJOB, which is not automatically allocated during Control-M installation.

If multiple jobs exist with the same name, each job causes the program to assign a unique calendar name. To maintain cross-references between job and calendar names, a DAXREF file is created that cross-references every calendar to its corresponding job name.

When PARM=MERGE is specified in the JCL EXEC statement of the second step, jobs with the same name create only one calendar containing all schedule days merged from all jobs with the same name.

When PARM=REPLACE is specified in the JCL EXEC statement of the second step, jobs with the same name cause any pre-existing calendars with that name to be replaced.

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Control-M Utilities