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CTMJSA – Job Statistics Accumulation

The CTMJSA utility maintains the Control-M Statistics file by updating various job statistics (start/end time, elapsed time, CPU/SRB time, and so on) and tape drive usage statistics (when the AUTOTAPE parameter in the CTMPARM member in the IOA PARM library is set to Y) and deleting inactive/obsolete records or job occurrences. The CTMJSA utility scans the IOA log file for various messages (such as SPY281I, SPY28GI, SEL208, and SEL219) to obtain the necessary statistical information. By default, only jobs that ended OK within a specified date range participate in the update process. Statistical records may also be deleted from the Statistics file according to various criteria. Refer to the CLEANUP parameter in Table 126 in CTMJSA Parameters.

A number of features that significantly improve production handling and flow rely on Statistics file data. Therefore, it is important to run CTMJSA at regular intervals. BMC recommends that CTMJSA be run at least once a day during New Day processing.

Control-M can accumulate data for up to 200 runs (occurrences) of each job on a single statistical record. See the STENT# parameter in the CTMPARM member in the IOA PARM library. By default, statistical data is not accumulated in the following cases:

These defaults can be overridden with the use of the INCLUDE parameter (see below).

When the accumulation of statistical information has been properly automated, the information can be effectively used for the following facilities and reports:

Note: Recent occurrences of long-running cyclic jobs might not be accumulated into a statistics record if the ODAT under which the cyclic job was originally ordered is earlier than the FROMDATE parameter (see below) that was specified when executing the utility. Reruns of DUMMY jobs are not accumulated in the statistics records.

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Control-M Utilities