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Format of the ORDER, SELECT, and IGNORE Statements for CTMJOB

ORDER, SELECT and IGNORE statements must be in the following format:

        [,ODATEOPT={VALUE|VAL|RUN}][,FORCE][,UFLOW][,INTOTBL=table rba],

[SELECT RBC rbcname1]

[IGNORE RBC rbcname2]

To order an entire library with one order statement use the following format:

ORDER DSN=sched.library MEMBER=*

At least one ORDER statement must be specified. SELECT and IGNORE statements are optional. Multiple statements of each type are permitted.

An ORDER statement can be written from column 1 through column 72 only. If you try to continue beyond column 72, the CTMJOB utility fails and the error message JOBL34E is issued. If you want to use a very long ORDER statement, insert a minus sign (-) preceded by a space at the end of the line, before you reach column 72, and continue the statement on the next line. If you do so, the program will treat the contents of the two lines as one long line.

For example, the following would be treated as one line:

ORDER DSNAME=long_data set_name, -


Parent Topic

CTMJOB – Order Jobs to the Active Jobs File