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Changing the Size of the History Jobs File

Note: Online users must not access the Control-M History Environment screen in the IOA Online facility while the size of the History Jobs file is being changed.

To change the size of the Control-M History Jobs file, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter ICE and select Customization.
  2. In the Customization screen, set Product ID to CTM.
  3. Select "Customize Control-M Dataset Parameters."
  4. Select step "Control-M Dataset Parameters," update the HSTSIZE parameter, and exit the step.
  5. Select step 3, "Save Parameters into Product Libraries."
  6. Select step 7, "Format the History Jobs File," and reply Y (Yes) when asked to replace existing copy.
  7. Edit the FORMHST member, changing the dsname, unit, and volser as required and run the job.
  8. Run the CTMHCOP utility. The utility copies the current History Jobs file to new History Jobs file.
  9. Rename the old History Jobs file.
  10. Rename the new History Active Jobs file to the former name of the old file.

Parent Topic

CTMHCOP – Copy or Expand History Jobs File