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Security and user exits

Security exit CTMSE06 and user exit CTMX006 are used to verify that the specified user is allowed to submit scripts and commands on the specified host.

The $$STRDS.qname.ds_user.hostname security entity must be defined for a user to be given the permission for submitting scripts. Host name in the entity must be an actual host name, which is listed in the DSHOSTS table.

All entities must be defined in the SAF (System Authorization Facility) class that accepts long entity names. The name of this class must be assigned to the IOAXCLAS parameter of the SECPARM member in the IOA PARM library. All entities must be defined in upper case.

For example, to permit a mainframe user, USERA, to submit scripts on a host, HOSTB, using a distributed systems user, DSUSERA, use the following commands:

Parent Topic

CTMDSRN – Distributed system job submission from mainframe