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CTMCRES – Copy or Resize the Control-M Resources File

The CTMCRES utility copies the contents of the Control-M Resources file to another file that may or may not be the same size, or converts a non-supported version (earlier than 6.x.x) IOA Conditions/Resources file to the current version of the Control-M Resources file. For more information, see the CONVERT parameter in Table 109.

Note: When the CTMCRES utility is run to upgrade the Control-M Resources file, or to expand it, the queue name of both files must match the SHRQNAM parameter in IOAPARM. If not, error message CTMJ03E is issued.

A sample JCL to execute the utility can be found in member CTMCRES in the Control-M JCL library.

Note: The CTMCRES utility cannot run simultaneously with the Control-M monitor. Online users can remain logged on but must not access the online facility while the size of the Control-M Resources file is being changed.

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Control-M Utilities