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CTMCAJF Statements and Parameters

The utility receives parameters, that designate the required function, using DD statement DACOPPRM (or SYSIN). Any of the following functions can be requested:

Table 104 CTMCAJF Parameters




Logically delete all jobs marked ENDED OK in the Active Jobs file. These jobs are marked DELETED and remain in the Active Jobs file until the New Day procedure is run.

Logically deleted jobs can be restored using the U (Undelete) option in the Control-M Active Environment screen (screen 3).


Make room in the Active Jobs file by physically deleting all jobs marked DELETED or ENDED OK. Also update pointers in the AJF to the Control-M Resources and IOA Conditions files, when necessary.


Copy the Active Jobs file to a different size file, generally a larger file.

Note: The COMPRESS function cannot run in parallel with the Control-M monitor. If the monitor is not shut down, the utility terminates. Online users can remain logged on. The CLEANUP function must run simultaneously with the Control-M monitor and the same AJF must be allocated to both the monitor and the batch utility job. Do not shut down the monitor when running the utility with this function.

Parent Topic

CTMCAJF – Maintain the Active Jobs File