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CTMBLT General Parameters

Table 95 CTMBLT Parameters




Determines if Global parameter definitions and/or Super Global parameters are added when Local definitions for the parameter exist. Local parameter definitions are always applied. Therefore, this parameter is relevant only for parameters that can be specified more than once in a job scheduling definition.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Add Global or Super Global parameter definitions after the local parameter definitions. Default.
  • N (No) – Ignore Global parameter definitions when a Local parameter definition exists. Therefore:

    - If any local was provided in the input, globals will NOT be added.

    - If no local was provided in the input, globals will be added.

  • G (SMART Table Entity only) – global parameter definitions are only processed for SMART Table Entities
  • J (job definition only) – global parameter definitions are only processed for job definitions (and not SMART Table Entities).

Note: The value pairs Y/N and G/J are NOT mutually exclusive to each other. For example,

- ADD-GLOBAL=Y and ADD-GLOBAL=J can both be in affect simultaneously

- ADD-GLOBAL=Y/N does not affect processing of globally defined blocks ON PGM and SHOUT-WHEN. Parameters affected by this ADD-GLOBAL=Y/N are indicated with ‘++’ in column ‘M’ of the Job Scheduling Definition Parameter Tables.


Terminates the processing of input control statements from the DAINPRM file. This parameter is optional—it is necessary only when calling CTMBLT from other programs under certain circumstances; see the line# parameter in Table 96 in Calling the CTMBLT Utility from another program.


The table-entity-name value specified (not more than 20 characters) is not used but is required for backward compatibility. When the TABLE-ENTITY parameter follows a TABLE parameter (and any global parameters following the TABLE parameter), the table is a SMART Table. All parameters that follow the TABLE-ENTITY parameter, until the next MEMNAME or TABLE parameter (or end-of-input), define the SMART Table Entity.

The TABLE-ENTITY parameter must not follow the MEM-OVERWRITE=ADD(G) parameter.


The group-entity-name specified (not more than 20 characters) is propagated to the GROUP name of both the table-entity and all job definitions in the SMART table. Any GROUP parameters coded in the table-entity or job definitions are ignored. When the GROUP-ENTITY parameter follows a TABLE parameter (and any global parameters following the TABLE parameter), the table is a SMART Table. All parameters that follow the GROUP-ENTITY parameter, until the next MEMNAME or TABLE parameter (or end-of-input), define the SMART Table Entity.

The GROUP-ENTITY parameter must not follow the MEM-OVERWRITE=ADD(G) parameter.


Specifies the name of the library in which the table is saved.

  • The LIBRARY parameter is optional, but if specified, it must be the first parameter specified to the utility. If the LIBRARY parameter is not specified, add DD statement DASCHD, as explained in Activating the CTMBLT Utility and Considerations (CTMBLT). The CTMBLT utility runs more efficiently when a DD statement is specified in place of the LIBRARY parameter.
  • The LIBRARY parameter must be followed by at least one TABLE parameter.
  • The LIBRARY parameter applies to all subsequent TABLE parameters until another LIBRARY parameter, or the end of the input file, is encountered.
  • When multiple LIBRARY parameters are specified, each LIBRARY parameter (after the first) should be immediately preceded by a TABLE=*END statement.


Specifies the JCL member name of the job (and therefore the name of the job scheduling definition).

Note: Although MEMNAME is a job scheduling definition parameter, it is included here as a general parameter because it determines the name of the job scheduling definition and cannot be defined globally.

Since each job scheduling definition applies to a specific JCL member, the name assigned to the job scheduling definition is the name of the JCL member.

At least one MEMNAME parameter must be specified after each TABLE parameter. You should create a SMART Table consisting of only a SMART Table Entity with no jobs only if the IOA Profile variable PTBLEMPT is set to Y (see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide for details). Each occurrence of the MEMNAME parameter indicates the beginning of a new job scheduling definition.


Determines how the table (and its jobs) is handled

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Overwrite the current table if a table with the same name already exists in the library.
  • N (No) – Do not overwrite the current table if a table with the same name already exists in the library. Display an error message. Default.
  • ADD – If the table does not exist, add it to the library. If a table with the same name already exists, add the new jobs to the existing table. This option cannot be used to add SMART Tables to a library.
  • ADDG – Adds jobs to a SMART Table. If a SMART Table with the same name already exists, add the new jobs to the existing SMART Table.
  • ORDER or FORCE – Do not write the table to a library. Directly order or force jobs to the Active Jobs file without creating Control-M job scheduling definitions. However, if OPTION=S is specified, job schedule tables are created. For details, see Building Tables in Memory Followed by Immediate Ordering.
  • X – Do not write the table to a library. This option is useful when you want to test (simulate) the CTMBLT input statements for syntactical and logical correctness without creating the output tables.

Warning! Use caution if specifying Y (Yes) in this parameter because the old contents of all overwritten members are irretrievably lost.


Determines whether the CTMBLT build process is stopped immediately after an I/O Abend.

  • Y – The CTMBLT process continues when an I/O Abend occurs. Default.
  • N – The CTMBLT process stops immediately after an I/O Abend.


Specifies the name of a SCHEDULE RBC to be created in the SMART Table Entity (up to 20 characters). SCHEDULE-RBC cannot be followed by the D-CAT, MINIMUM and PDS parameters. Up to 5000 SCHEDULE-RBC parameters can be defined in a table scheduling definition. All parameters following the SCHEDULE-RBC parameter define the scheduling criteria for that calendar, until the next occurrence of the SCHEDULE-RBC parameter. The special keyword SCHEDULE-RBC=*END must be specified after the scheduling criteria of the last SCHEDULE-RBC parameter to identify the end of those scheduling parameters.

Global or Super Global basic scheduling parameters (DAYS, WDAYS, and so on.) are not applied to rule-based calendars defined in the SMART Table Entity definition.

SCHEDULE-RBC definitions (that is, the rule-based calendars name together with its basic scheduling parameters) cannot be specified within Global or Super Global parameters.


The level of the rule-based calendar to be created.

Valid values:

  • CTM - the associated RBC is to be created as a CTM level rule-based calendar
  • TBL - the associated RBC is to be created as a TBL level rule-based calendar


Specifies the name of the table (member) to be created

  • A table name must be a valid partitioned data set (PDS) member name.
  • At least one TABLE parameter must be specified after each LIBRARY parameter.
  • For tables (handling jobs individually), at least one MEMNAME parameter (identifying a job scheduling definition) must follow each TABLE parameter.
  • The TABLE parameter applies to all subsequent job scheduling definitions until the next TABLE parameter or the end of the input file is encountered.
  • When a TABLE=table-name parameter is followed by another TABLE=table-name parameter, and the table-name value is the same as in the previous TABLE parameter, the following occurs:

    - succeeding job definitions continue to be placed in the same TABLE table-name and

    - the user can add to or modify the global parameters for the TABLE.

The new or modified global parameters are those parameters that follow the duplicate TABLE parameter, until the next MEMNAME parameter is encountered. The new global statements take effect in the job definition in which they are specified. This enables the user to change or override global parameters several times during a table definition, if necessary.

Note: For additional usage of the TABLE parameter, see the discussion of Super Global parameters in Table 94 in CTMBLT Parameters, and the LIBRARY parameter in this table.


Enables customization of the utility operation. Valid values are:

  • /xxx — Overrides the values specified by xxx, where xxx is DAYS, DATES, WDAYS, MONTHS, DESC, SETVAR, or RBC.
    On the next line (after the OPTION=/xxx parameter), set a new value for xxx (DAYS, DATES, WDAYS, MONTHS, DESC, SETVAR, or RBC). If you only want to clear the existing value (for DAYS, DATES, WDAYS, MONTHS, or DESC), set xxx to an empty value. To clear an existing value with SETVAR or RBC, set OPTION=/SETVAR or OPTION=/RBC.
    This method of overriding values of job parameters is especially useful when used after the MODEL parameter. It enables you to override, rather than add to, the existing values of the parameters specified in the model job schedule definition.

For examples of various scenarios for using the OPTION=/xxx parameter, see CTMBLT Example 9.

Note: Overriding the DAYS value also clears the DCAL and RELATION values. Similarly, overriding the WDAYS value also clears the WCAL and RELATION values.

  • O — Prevents the utility from failing (and issuing messages CTM391S and BLT895I) due to multiple, contradictory values. Setting OPTION to O instructs the utility to use the last-specified contradictory value to override all previous contradictory values.

    For example, if WDAYS=1 is specified and followed by WDAYS=-1, WDAYS=-1 overrides WDAYS=1 if OPTION=O is specified.

    By specifying OPTION=O when also using the MODEL parameter, you can override DAYS and then set DATES (or vice versa), without receiving an error message. See also CTMBLT Example 9.

  • E — Writes the table to the scheduling library (subject to any specified MEM-OVERWRITE override) even if an error occurred during processing of a table input parameter.

Note: The utility ignores the OPTION=E parameter when creating SMART Tables.

  • V — Suppress parameter validation processing. This option should not be specified except upon explicit request of the BMC Customer Support representative. To reactivate parameter validation processing specify OPTION=V/.

OPTION (cont)

  • M — Causes additional information messages to be produced by the utility. (Expanded message option.)
  • Q — When the CTMBLT utility tries to create or update a table that is being updated or edited by another task simultaneously, it produces the following error message:

    dsn in use

    If OPTION is set to Q, the CTMBLT utility waits until the other task completes updating the table and no error message is produced. Ensure that an enqueue management product issues periodic reminders that a resource conflict must be resolved (alternate serialization enqueue method).

  • S[/subopt] — Indicates that the job scheduling definition is saved in the scheduling library after the job is ordered or forced. If value ORDER or FORCE has been specified for parameter MEM-OVERWRITE, OPTION=S can be used to specify as a subopt value one of the usual values of MEM-OVERWRITE (that is, Y (Yes), N (No), ADD, or ADDG). The specified value has the same meaning and application as if specified in parameter MEM-OVERWRITE.

    If OPTION is set to S, the LIBRARY parameter, if specified, must contain the name of an existing scheduling library.

  • I — Suppresses the ISPF statistics which the CTMBLT utility normally creates for each member (table) in the job scheduling library.
  • C — The CTMBLT utility ignores the setting of the EMPTYTBL parameter in the CTMPARM member (in the IOA PARM library) and always allows empty SMART tables to be created. This option is useful when using CTMBLT to convert from a 3rd party scheduling product.
  • ! — The CTMBLT utility verifies that the EXCLUDE RBC functionality feature is enabled (through the EXCLURBC parameter in the CTMPARM member of the IOA PARM library). If it is not enabled, the current run fails and a message is issued indicating that the feature must be enabled to process the RBC definitions.
  • R[/Y] — Dynamically creates external (LEVEL=CTM) SCHEDULE RBCs in the IOA RBC library whenever CTMBLT creates a CTM LEVEL SCHEDULE RBC in a job scheduling definition. If OPTION=R/Y is specified then existing SCHEDULE RBCs will be replaced in the RBC library.

OPTION (cont)

  • D/variable-name — When the MODEL parameter is specified, it normally contains 3 mandatory subparameters (see Table 103). When duplicate jobnames exist in a scheduling table, it is not possible to indicate which of the duplicate jobs are to be used as a MODEL. OPTION=D allows the specification of a fourth optional subparameter to differentiate between the duplicate jobs when the jobs contain a SETVAR variable variable-name, and this allows CTMBLT to choose the correct model. In such a case, the fourth subparameter should be coded with the value of the desired SETVAR variable.

    If OPTION=D is not specified, then the first (or only) copy of the duplicate jobs is used for modeling.

    If OPTION=D/variable-name is specified and a fourth subparameter is not specified in the MODEL statement, then the duplicate job in which SETVAR variable-name is not present is selected to serve as the model job.


    Table TBL in library SCHED.LIB contains 3 duplicate jobs named DUP. In each of these duplicate jobs there is a SETVAR variable THISJOB. The values of THISJOB for the 3 jobs are JOB1, JOB2, and JOB3, respectively. The user wants to select the third of the duplicate jobs to serve as a model for job JOBMODEL to be created by CTMBLT. To accomplish this, code the following CTMBLT statements:




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