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CTMBLDAE Parameters

The parameters for the CTMBLDAE utility are specified in blocks in the SYSIN file. Blocks consist of the following mandatory parameters (described below):







Blocks of parameters are specified in the following format:

Table 92 CTMBLDAE Parameters




Name of the library containing the calendar to be used as input to the utility


Name of the member containing the calendar to be used as input to the utility


Delimits parameter blocks. Mandatory.


String that forms the basis of the AutoEdit variables created by the utility. The usual format for this string is



  • variable is a user-defined AutoEdit variable
  • expression is a value or expression that resolves to a specific value

The variable and/or expression can contain any of the following reserved words (substrings) that are replaced with the corresponding date values:

  • ODAT – represents the date scheduled in the calendar, in yymmdd format.
  • NEXT – represents the next date scheduled in the calendar, in yymmdd format.
  • PREV – represents the previous date scheduled in the calendar, in yymmdd format.
  • ODAY – represents the day scheduled in the calendar, in dd format.
  • OMONTH – represents the month scheduled in the calendar, in mm format.
  • OYEAR – represents the year scheduled in the calendar, in yy format.
  • $ODAT – represents the date scheduled in the calendar, in yyyymmdd format.
  • $NEXT – represents the next date scheduled, in yyyymmdd format.
  • $PREV – represents the previous date scheduled in the calendar, in yyyymmdd format.
  • $OYEAR – represents the year scheduled in the calendar, in yyyy format.
  • $OCENT – represents the first two digits, in the yyyy date format (for example, 20 in 2000).
  • PERIOD – represents the one-character period designation of the scheduled day, when the CALMEM calendar is periodic.


The variable and/or expression can also contain the reserved substring, %%##. This substring represents a sequential line number for each line generated by the utility.


Name of the library to which the AutoEdit member, created by the utility, is written


Name assigned to the AutoEdit member created by the utility.

Parent Topic

CTMBLDAE – Build AutoEdit Symbols Member