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CTMAESIM Parameters

The utility receives the following parameters using DD statement DASIM.

Either JCL Library Mode parameters or Scheduling Mode parameters (but not both) must be specified to run the utility. These parameters determine the mode in which the utility operates. In addition, other general simulation parameters are specified.

Table 85 CTMAESIM JCL Library Mode Parameters




JCL library name

Note: When LIBRARY GENERAL is specified then the JCL libraries in the DALIB DD concatenation are used to search for the specified JCL members.


Member name. Character masking is supported (in batch only).


Owner ID. Optional.


Name of the application (as specified in field APPL in the job scheduling definition). Optional.


Name of the group to which the job belongs, such as BACKUPS, RESERVATIONS, INVENTORY, and so on.


Identifies the node in the JES system at which the job must execute


Owner ID. Optional.


A unique rule-based calendar (RBC) to be applied to the accompanying set of scheduling criteria. Multiple sets of scheduling criteria can be defined, each with its own rule-based calendar.


Name of the workload management scheduling environment to be associated with the job


In JES2, the identity of the system in which the job must be initiated and executed

In JES3, the identity of the processor on which the job must be executed

Table 86 CTMAESIM Scheduling Mode Parameters




Name of the library containing the job scheduling definition


Name of the table containing the job scheduling definition


Name of the job scheduling definition. Character masking is supported.

Note: When specifying Scheduling Library Mode parameters, the owner, application name, JCL library and JCL member of the job, scheduling environment, system ID, and NJE node name are not specified because the utility takes these values directly from the specified job scheduling definition. f a value is specified for parameter OVERLIB in the job scheduling definition, that value (instead of parameter MEMLIB) is used as the name of the JCL member.

Table 87 CTMAESIM Parameters




Determines how the simulation works. Valid values:

  • LIST – Control-M checks the JCL and writes the results to SYSPRINT only.
  • SEND – Same as LIST. This command is supported for reasons of backward compatibility. Command LIST is the preferred command.
  • SUBMIT – Control-M checks the JCL and writes the results to both SYSPRINT and to the file referenced by DD statement DASUBMIT. If you specify INTRDR for the RDR parameter, the job is submitted for execution and the JCL is also checked by MVS. The submitted job will fail if there are any AutoEdit errors in the JCL member.
  • SUBSCAN – Same as SUBMIT except that the statement TYPRUN=SCAN is added to the job statement. If you specify INTRDR for RDR, the job is submitted but not executed. The JCL is checked by MVS.



  • When the SUBSCAN option is chosen, for internal processing purposes, the utility inserts the following accounting code into the jobcard of the job:

    In addition, under JES3 systems, the following JES3 statement is also inserted:

  • When executing the AutoEdit simulation SUBSCAN function, any JES statements that can cause the console subsystem to be triggered are removed from the job's runstream. Examples of such JES2 statements are:










JES3 statements that have similar effects are also removed.

Use this function if a JCL-checking product is in use at the site. The utility creates a copy of the JCL member with all Control-M AutoEdit variables resolved. The JCL-checking product can then be invoked against this copy. If JOB/SCAN is in use at the site, consider using the on-line version of the CTMAESIM utility, which is described in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.


Original scheduling date of the job. Optional.


Assigns values to AutoEdit variables (in batch only):

  • In JCL Library mode, parameter SETAVAR assigns AutoEdit variable values without referencing the scheduling library.
  • In Scheduling Library mode, parameter SETAVAR can be used to test values that are not set in the job scheduling definition.

Note: To prevent Control-M from trying to resolve AutoEdit variables specified in the SETVAR control statement, the user must either:

  • submit the CTMAESIM utility outside of Control-M or
  • code the AutoEdit command %%RESOLVE OFF prior to the SETVAR control statement


Working date. Optional.


Assigns a value to the %%$SIGN System variable

Any number of members can be submitted for testing in one simulation run.

If multiple members are specified, not all parameters need to be specified for each member. The first member always requires a complete set of parameters. Subsequent members require specification of the member name, command, and any parameter statements whose values differ from the values of the preceding member. For all unspecified parameters, the simulation uses the corresponding value provided for the preceding member as the default.

Parent Topic

CTMAESIM – Test AutoEdit Syntax