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IOAVERFY Parameters

Table 83 IOAVERFY Parameters




Controls the scope of display. Optional. Multiple DISPLAY statements can be specified. Valid parameters for this statement are:

  • ALL – Information, warning, and error messages are displayed. Default.
  • ERROR – Only error and warning messages are displayed.


Produces a report about the requested items. Multiple VERIFY statements can be specified.

VERIFY statement formats are:

    Displays general information about the system environment.
    Displays CPU identification information required before requesting a new password.
  • VERIFY ENQ {qname|*|SHR*}

    where qname is the IOA QNAME to be verified for its cross-systems scope. If *|SHR* is specified then the QNAME|SHRQNAM checked is the one which currently resides in the IOAPARM member of the IOA PARM library. The SHRQNAM is checked only if there is one specified in IOAPARM.

See the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide for further information regarding the IOA QNAME and SHRQNAM parameters. See also Activating the IOAVERFY utility.

  • VERIFY FILE file_type

    where file_type indicates files to be reported on. The report is similar to the ISPF 3.2 Data Set Information display and includes attributes specific to that file. Valid values are:

  • ALL – Includes all files listed below.
  • AJF or CKP – Control-M Active Jobs file.
  • HST – Control-M History Jobs file.
  • AMF – Control-D Active Missions file.
  • CND – IOA Conditions file.
  • RES – Control-M Resources file.
  • NRS – IOA Manual Conditions file.
  • LOG – IOA Log file.


  • CKP and AJF are two names for the same Control-M file. Both names are supported.
  • If VERIFY FILE ALL is specified, the program determines which products are installed and displays information on all relevant file types.
  • For file_type CND a LONG condition occupies two slots (entries) on the IOA Condition file. Therefore, only for regular (non-long) conditions are the terms condition and entry synonymous in the IOAVERFY report.
  • For file_type LOG the IOA LOG Index file information and its status are printed, as well.


Prints information about the IOA environment. This statement helps BMC Customer Support during problem determination. Multiple LIST statements can be specified.

LIST statement formats:

  • LIST PARMS — prints the following information:

    - Members listed in the VERFYLIB member of IOA.PARM library

    - System information provided by the INFO screen

    - Information about partitions of the migration user file

    - Information about alternative indexes of the Control-D user files

    - Level of all modules

  • LIST SUBSYS subsys_name

    Displays subsystem control blocks and IOA parameter tables. subsys_name is the name of the subsystem whose control blocks are to be displayed. Optional. If omitted, the subsystem name specified in member IOAPARM is used. A snapshot dump is taken of all the data areas relating to the subsystem.

  • LIST ALL — both subsystems and parms


Verifies the internal structural integrity of files processed by the utility. For example, the checking performed on the AJF includes:

  • validity checks of the pointers in record 0
  • proper sequencing of MIT and MIC (continuation) records
  • record RBA validation
  • internal chaining of record segments

If the CORRECT optional keyword (described below) is specified, records containing errors are automatically corrected.

Valid formats for a DIAGNOSE statement:

DIAGNOSE file_type [FORMAT [OID=xxxxx]]



In the above statement, file_type indicates files to be processed by the DIAGNOSE statement. Valid values are:

  • ALL – Includes all files listed below
  • AJF – Control-M Active Jobs file
  • HST – Control-M History Jobs file
  • RES – Control-M Resources file
  • CND – IOA Conditions file

When file_type is AJF or CKP, two additional optional sub-parameters are allowed:

  • FORMAT invokes additional comprehensive field validation checking performed on all records of the Control-M AJF.
  • OID=xxxxx – When the FORMAT sub-parameter is specified, the additional OID=xxxxx parameter may be specified to limit the field validation operation to the specific AJF record whose order ID is xxxxx.

Multiple DIAGNOSE AJF FORMAT OID=xxxxx statements are permitted.

  • CORRECT. Optional keyword. Records are automatically corrected only if this keyword is specified. CORRECTive actions do not apply to field validation errors (FORMAT).


Note: This parameter should be used only if requested by BMC Customer Support.

The IOAVERFY utility cannot be run with the CORRECT function while the Control-M monitor is active. However, online users can remain logged on.

BMC recommends that you not run the CORRECT function while the Control-D monitor, the Control-O monitor, or the IOA Functional monitor is active.

If the Active Jobs file is corrected by the IOAVERFY utility, you should then compress the file. For information about how to compress the Active Jobs file, see CTMCAJF – Maintain the Active Jobs File.


Identifies the file that is to be modified by means of VER and REP statements. Each VER statement must be preceded by a ZAP statement. The format of a ZAP statement is

ZAP FILE file_id

where file_id is one of the following:

  • AJF – the Control-M Active Jobs file
  • HST – the Control-M History Jobs file
  • RES – the Control-M Resources file



Indicates information that is replaced with information in the REP statement that immediately follows. Each VER statement must be both

  • preceded by a ZAP statement
  • followed by a REP statement

Note: VER statements and REP statements can be specified only for records in the following files:

  • the Control-M Active Jobs file
  • the Control-M History Jobs file
  • the Control-M Resources file

The VER statement is rejected if the data at the specified offset does not match the data specified in the VER statement. If a VER statement is rejected, the REP statement that follows it is ignored.

An appropriate error message is produced for each record that is rejected because of a VER/REP failure.

VER operands must appear between columns 1 and 80. VER statement format

VER rba type offset ver_format ver_data


  • rba is the RBA of the record to be verified. The RBA must be specified as a Hexadecimal value of two, four, or six digits.
  • type is the type of offset:

    X – Hexadecimal value.

    C – Character value.

  • offset is the location of the data to be replaced with the data in the REP statement. The first byte of the record always has an offset of 0.

    If type is set to X, the offset must be a hexadecimal value with two or four digits. The maximum value cannot exceed 03FF.

    If type is set to D, the offset must be a decimal value of one to four digits and cannot exceed 1023.

  • ver_format – Format of the data (specified in value ver_data) to be verified:

    X – ver_data contains hexadecimal digits.

    C – ver_data contains alphanumeric characters.

  • ver_data – Value to be replaced by the data specified in the REP statement that follows. The specified value must be enclosed in either single or double quotes.

    If ver_format is X, ver_data must be specified as pairs of hexadecimal digits. A maximum of 48 hex digits (meaning, 24 pairs) can be specified.

    If ver_format is C, ver_data must be a string of alphanumeric characters. Maximum length: 48 characters.


Indicates data that replaces the information in the immediately preceding VER statement. Optional, but each REP statement must be preceded by one VER statement.

Note: VER statements and REP statements are specified only for records in the following files:

  • the Control-M Active Jobs file
  • the Control-M History Jobs file
  • the Control-M Resources file


REP operands must appear between columns 1 and 80. The format of a REP statement is:

REP rba type offset rep_format rep_data


  • rba, type and offset must be identical to the rba, type and offset specified in the preceding VER statement.
  • rep_format is the format of the specified rep_data:

    – X—rep_data contains hexadecimal digits.

    – C—Character value.

  • rep_data is the data that replaces the data specified in the preceding REP statement. The specified data must be enclosed in either single or double quotes.

If rep_format is set to X, rep_data must be specified as pairs of hexadecimal digits. A maximum of 48 hex digits (meaning, 24 pairs) can be specified.

If rep_format is C, rep_data must be a string of alphanumeric characters. Maximum length: 48 characters.

The data specified in the VER statement and the data specified in the REP statement must indicate strings of equal length. Therefore, if ver_data and rep_data are specified in different formats, the data that is specified in hexadecimal characters must contain twice as many characters as the data specified in alphanumeric characters, as illustrated in Example 2.

Note: The IOAVERFY utility cannot be run with the VER/REP function while the Control-M monitor is active. However, online users can remain logged on.

Samples of VER statements and REP statements:

Example 1

Change the record with RBA 0 at offset x‘3F’ from x‘0003E8’ through x‘00045D’.

VER 00   X   3F X '0003E8'

REP 00   X   3F X '00045D'

Example 2

Change the record with RBA 0 at offset x‘0103’ from x‘000000’ through character string ‘JB1’.

VER 00   X 0103 X '000000'

REP 00   X 0103 C 'JB1'

Example 3

Change the record with RBA 1A95 at decimal offset 20 from character string ‘N28’ through character string ‘M04’.

VER 1A95 D   20 C 'N28'

REP 1A95 D   20 C 'M04'


Terminates input to the utility. Optional. Only one END statement can be specified, at the end of the utility statements.

Parent Topic

IOAVERFY – Verify IOA File Installation and Status