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IOATEST Parameters

Table 82 IOATEST Parameters




Issue an operator command. The command can be either an MVS/JES command or, when MVS is running under VM, a CP command. (CP commands must start with characters CP.) Maximum text length: 76 characters.

Note: The IOATEST utility does not support issuing commands whose syntax requires a comma. To issue commands whose syntax includes commas, use the IOAOPR utility described on IOAOPR – Issue Operator Commands Using a Job or STC.


Write message to operator console. Maximum text length: 76 characters.


Write message to operator console with reply. Maximum text length: 75 characters.


Issue multiline message. major is the primary message line.

Subsequent minor lines are secondary message lines, delimited by a +++ line. A maximum of ten message lines are permitted.


WTOM= major

      Minor 1

      Minor 2

      minor n



Valid route code from 0 through 16 (0 meaning no route code). Default: all route codes.


Valid descriptor code from 0 through 16. Default: 0 (none).


Console ID to which the message is issued. Valid range: 0 – 999. Default: master console, if one exists.


Name of the console to which the message is sent, or on that the command is issued.


Name of the system (meaning, the MVSIMAGE) to which the message is sent, or on that the command is issued.


Name of the job that issued the message.


The JES2 or JES3 job ID of the job that issued the message.

Note: Parameters SYSTEM, JOBNAME and/or JOBID can be used to simulate messages coming from another member of a Sysplex environment or JES3 complex.


The period, in hundredths of a second, that the program waits before a WTO or WTOR or WTOM message or command is executed and the program ends. 1 to 4 digits. Default: 100 (one second)


Cause the step to wait n seconds. Valid range: 0 – 999.


Condition code to be simulated. Valid range for nnnn: 0000 – 4095.


User abend code to be simulated. Valid range for nnnn: 0000 – 4095.


System abend code to be simulated. Valid hexadecimal range for nnn: 000 – FFF.

WTO, ROUT, DESC, CONID, CMD, WAIT and TERM can also be specified in the PARM keyword of the EXEC job step. If this method is used, only the PARM parameters are executed in the following order: WTO, WAIT, TERM. When using PARM, DEFDELAY is always 0.

Parent Topic

IOATEST – Simulate Production Environment Events