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IOALDNRS – Load IOA manual conditions file

This utility creates and loads the IOA Manual Conditions file that can be viewed using the IOA Manual Conditions screen described in the online facilities chapter of the INCONTROL product-specific user guides. The utility is usually run every day after the New Day procedure finishes executing.

To identify conditions that are placed in the IOA Manual Conditions file, the utility first performs a search for all prerequisite IN conditions required for the submission of jobs, missions, or reports on the particular day. The search for prerequisite IN conditions is performed by checking the job scheduling definitions of all jobs in the Active Jobs file and by checking the mission definitions of missions in the Active Missions file.

Once the prerequisite IN conditions have been identified, the utility eliminates non-manual conditions from the list to arrive at the list of manual conditions that need loading. A prerequisite IN condition is not included in the IOA Manual Conditions file if it satisfies either of the following criteria:

All prerequisite IN conditions that do not meet the above criteria are assumed manual conditions and are placed in the IOA Manual Conditions list.

Through parameters passed to the utility, it is possible to exclude the Active Jobs file and/or the Active Missions file from the search for manual conditions. Of course, if both files are excluded, no manual conditions are found, even if they exist.

Every time the utility is activated, the IOA Manual Conditions file is recreated and all previous conditions are automatically deleted from the file. It is possible to override this default by using parameter ADDMODE.

This utility can be used in conjunction with ADDMNCND KeyStroke Language utility, which is referred to in the Keystroke Language (KSL) User Guide.

The conditions to be included in the file can be limited by control statements supplied using the DALNRIN DD statement (or SYSIN).

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IOA Utilities