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IOADBSR Sort Control Parameters

The following Sort Control parameters can be specified for dynamic sorting. Parameters that are not applicable to batch sorting with the IOADBSR utility are indicated as such.

Table 51 IOADBSR Sort Control Parameters




Whether dynamic sort processing is disabled. This parameter is ignored by the IOADBSR utility. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Enable dynamic sort processing.
  • N (No) – Disable dynamic sort processing.


Earliest time of day, in hhmm format, at which time dynamic sort processing can be performed. This parameter is ignored by the IOADBSR utility.


Latest time of day, in hhmm format, at which time dynamic sort processing can be performed. This parameter is ignored by the IOADBSR utility.


Offset location within an index record of a four-byte field containing the address of the associated data record.


Interval, in hhmm format, at which dynamic sort processing automatically starts during the time range specified by parameters TIMEFROM and TIMETO. This parameter is ignored by the IOADBSR utility.


Amount of time, as a four-digit value in hundredths of seconds, that dynamic sort processing waits before processing a new block. For example, a value of 0001, 0010 or 0100 sets the delay time to one hundredth, one tenth or one full second, respectively.


Limit of different Database file data component blocks referred to by all index records within any single index component block that automatically triggers dynamic sort processing.

This parameter is for internal use only and must not be modified unless instructed otherwise by BMC Customer Support.


Maximum number of different data component blocks that can be referred to by all index records within any single index component block when dynamically sorting the index component block.

Parameter STOP-WHEN-OVER is for internal use only and must not be modified unless instructed otherwise by BMC Customer Support.

Parent Topic

IOADBSR – Sort Records in IOA Access Method Data Component