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IOA Access Method File Definition Parameters

The following IOA Access Method file definition parameters can be specified as input to the IOADBF utility in the IOA library and member referred to above by EXEC statement parameters D and M:

Table 43 IOADBF Access Method Parameters




Block size of the IOA Access Method file, in bytes. For all index components and for data components with variable length records, it is recommended that the block size be set to the maximum half track capacity of the device on which the IOA Access Method file is allocated, as follows:

  • 19068 – 3350 DASD devices.
  • 23476 – 3380 DASD devices.
  • 27998 – 3390 DASD devices.
  • 22928 – 9345 DASD devices.

For data components with fixed length records, where the block size must be a multiple of the record length, it is recommended that the block size be set as close to, without exceeding, the device’s half track capacity.

Parameter BLKSIZE is not applicable when executing the IOADBF utility with the FORM or CHANGE function specified.


Number of I/O buffers for which extended storage is obtained to access the IOA Access Method file.

Note: This parameter cannot be used with Control-M/Analyzer files.

Buffer length is determined by parameter BLKSIZE, described above. A larger number improves I/O throughput at the expense of increased storage requirements. A smaller number reduces storage requirements at the expense of degrading I/O throughput.


Name of the IOA supplied routine to perform Data component record compression. This parameter must not be specified for index components.

The setting for COMPRS is IOA application dependent and must not be modified unless instructed otherwise by BMC Customer Support.


Name of the IOA supplied compression table to be used by the compression routine when performing data component record compression. Do not specify this parameter for index components.

Note: If parameter COMPRS is specified, parameter COMPTB must also be specified.

Parameters COMPRS and COMPTB are not available when executing the IOADBF utility with the FORM or CHANGE function specified.

Parameters COMPRS and COMPTB are not available when executing the IOADBF utility on a Control-M/Analyzer or Control-O file.

The setting for COMPTB is IOA application dependent and must not be modified unless instructed otherwise by BMC Customer Support.


The data set name of the IOA Access Method file, excluding the extent number suffix (.E000 through .E255) that the IOADBF utility appends automatically when the IOA Access Method file is allocated.

The DSN parameter is not applicable when executing the IOADBF utility with the FORM or CHANGE function specified.


Whether to allocate a dual mirror image of the specified file, which provides maximum data recovery capabilities when the disk or contents of the primary file become damaged or inaccessible. BMC recommends setting this parameter to Y for the Data component file.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)—Allocate a dual mirror image copy. The dual mirror image file’s contents are kept synchronized with the contents of the primary file.
  • N (No)—Do not allocate a dual mirror image copy.

Note: For Control-M/Tape, this parameter must be set to N.


Whether to terminate or continue execution if a nonrecoverable I/O error occurs while processing the dual mirror image copy of the file.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)—Terminate execution.
  • N (No)—Continue execution.


Whether to perform timestamp checkpoint processing is internally to ensure that the primary and dual mirror image copies of the file are fully synchronized. Enabling this option insures greater data integrity at the expense of increasing I/O processing overhead.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes)—Perform timestamp checkpoint processing
  • N (No)—Do not perform timestamp checkpoint processing.

For more information, see the Control-M/Analyzer installation chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.


Option to allocate a file on the Extended Address Volume (EAV).

Valid values are:

  • OPT—Allow allocation on EAV. The JCL parameter EATTR=OPT is used for the file allocation.
  • NO —Do not allow allocation on EAV. The EATTR parameter is not used.

The actual allocation on EAV depends on the primary and secondary SPACE parameters.


Specifies secondary extent to be allocated.

Valid values are:

  • A — Causes a secondary extent to be automatically allocated when an out-of-space condition is detected. Default
  • M — Requires a secondary extent to be manually allocated after an out-of-space condition is detected by executing the utility with the EXEC parameter FUNC set to EXTEND.

This parameter is ignored if no secondary space amount is specified using the SPACE parameter. It is not applicable when executing the IOADBF utility with the FORM or CHANGE function specified.

Note: For Control-M/Tape, this parameter must be set to M. In addition, this parameter cannot be used with Control-M/Analyzer files.


Record key length for IOA Access Method file index components only. This parameter must not be specified for data components.

Parameter KEYLEN is not applicable when executing utility IOADBF with the CHANGE function specified.

The setting for KEYLEN is IOA application dependent and must not be modified unless instructed otherwise by BMC Customer Support.


Logical record length for IOA Access Method file data components only. This parameter must not be specified for index components.

The setting for parameter LRECL is IOA application dependent and must not be modified unless instructed otherwise by BMC Customer Support.

Parameter LRECL is not applicable when executing the IOADBF utility with the FORM or CHANGE function specified.


Product that uses the file to be allocated or formatted. Valid values are:

  • D—Control-D or Control-V
  • B—Control-M/Analyzer
  • O—Control-O
  • T—Control-M/Tape


The amount of space, in blocks, to be allocated for the primary and, optionally, for each secondary IOA Access Method file extent.

Note: Secondary extents cannot be specified for Control-M/Analyzer files or Control-M/Tape index files.

To avoid termination of the Control-D or Control-O monitor when the primary extent becomes full and an out-of-space condition is detected, specify an amount for a secondary extent.

If an out-of-space condition occurs, secondary extent allocations can be set by

1 specifying a secondary amount in the SPACE parameter

2 executing the IOADBF utility with the EXEC parameter FUNC set to CHANGE
This stores the new setting internally within the IOA Access Method file.

3 restarting the Control-D or Control-O monitor.

For more information about secondary extents, see Multiple Extents.

Example 1

SPACE (1500)

A 1500-block IOA Access Method file is allocated. If the file becomes full, the application terminates with a corresponding error message.

Example 2

SPACE (1500,300)

A 1500-block IOA Access Method file is allocated. If the file becomes full and a secondary extent is automatically or manually allocated, each newly allocated extent is 300 blocks in size. For more information, see "EXTEND" in this table.

Note: The amount of space for the primary extent is not applicable when executing the IOADBF utility with the FORM or CHANGE function specified.


IOA Access Method file type. Valid values are:

  • F—Data component, fixed record format.
  • V—Data component, variable record format. This value is not valid for use with Control-M/Analyzer and Control-M/Tape files.
  • I—Index component.

The TYPE parameter is not applicable when executing the IOADBF utility with the FORM or CHANGE function specified.


Name of the DASD unit to be used when allocating a new IOA Access Method file extent (for example, 3390).


Name of the DASD unit to be used when allocating a new dual mirror image file extent (for example, 3390).


List of one to six DASD volume serial numbers, enclosed in parenthesis and separated by commas, in which the IOA Access Method file’s extents can be allocated.

All volumes must be defined to MVS as being associated with the unit name specified in the UNIT parameter, described in this table.

To obtain SMS support for IOA Access Method files, omit this parameter and specify the UNIT parameter for the SMS space area in the DEFxxx members. SMS allocates all the IOA Access Method extents according to SMS rules.

If there is insufficient space for the extents in the specified volumes, the process accessing the volumes (for example, the Control-D or Control-O monitor) automatically attempts to allocate a new extent on those volumes. If there is insufficient space for even these extents, the process terminates.

In this event, you can modify the VOL parameter to specify a new set of volumes (up to a maximum of six volumes). After modifying this parameter, run the IOADBF utility with EXEC parameter FUNC set to CHANGE, to store the new setting internally within the IOA Access Method file, and then restart the relevant process.

Note: You can also use this method to manually allocate extents that failed by setting the EXEC parameter FUNC to EXTEND.

If you do not specify the VOL parameter, the IOA Access Method file is allocated using only the UNIT parameter.


List of one to six DASD volume serial numbers, enclosed in parenthesis and separated by commas, on which the dual mirror image file’s extents can be allocated.

All volumes must be defined to MVS as being associated with the unit name specified in parameter UNITD above.

To obtain SMS support for IOA Access Method files, omit parameter VOLD and specify the UNIT parameter for the SMS space area in the DEFxxx members. SMS allocates all the IOA Access Method extents according to SMS rules.

Note: To ensure greater data integrity, specify different volumes for the primary and dual mirror copy of each file. For more information, see the VOL parameter described in this table.

Parent Topic

IOADBF – Allocate or Format an IOA Access Method File