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IOACND – Perform IOA Condition File or Control-M Resources File Adjustments

This utility adds, verifies the existence of, deletes, or modifies prerequisite conditions in the IOA Conditions file and/or resources in the Control-M Resources file. It can be activated by the operator as a started task (STC), from TSO, or from within a user program.

The addition, deletion, modification or verification is recorded three ways: in the job sysout, as a message on the operator console and as an event in the IOA Log file.

Parameters can be received by the utility in two ways: using DD statement DACNDIN (or SYSIN), or using PARM. The parameters required depend on whether prerequisite conditions, control resources or quantitative resources are being processed. If an input parameter file is specified, its block size must not exceed 8000.

If it is necessary to add, delete, verify or modify prerequisite conditions or resources during a job step, IOACND can be called as a procedure from within the application program. For more information, see Activating the IOACLCND Utility.

The IOACND utility deletes control resources only when those resources were added manually, either by the IOACND utility itself or through screen 4. If you need to delete a resource that is allocated to a specific job, you can use the CTMRELRS utility, but only from within the job.

Note: If the IOA Conditions file and/or the Control-M Resources file is shared across multiple CPUs, use an enqueue manager (such as MIM or GRS) to prevent simultaneous update of the file. For more information, see the description of the QNAME and SHRQNAM parameters in the IOA installation chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

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IOA Utilities