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IOACMPP output analysis

The output of the IOACMPP utility with each record in the parameter member containing the following information:

Label        Parameter name=Parameter value        message

Table 35 IOACMPP output messages when ISPF panel in TSO is displayed




The same value is found in both members.


This parameter at this block has an equal value in both members, where X is number of the member,
1-1st : 2-2nd.


This parameter has a different value in each member, where X is number of the member, 1-1st : 2-2nd.


This parameter is not found in the first member. It is found only in the second member.


The entire block is not found in the first member. It is found only in the second member.

Found in 1st, NOT found in 2nd

When this message is displayed, no parameters are found in the second member. They are found only in the first member.

Table 36 IOACMPP output messages when report is printed in DD SYSTSPRT




The same value is found in both members.

These two messages are combined:

  1. Different values 1st member
  2. Different values 2nd member


The parameter was found in the same label but had a different value.

The parameter was found in the same label but had a different value.

This parameter is NOT included in the 1st member

The label was found in both members, but the parameter was found only in the second member.

This label is NOT assigned to the 1st member

The label from the second member was not found in the first member; therefore, all parameters which belong to that label are also not found in the first member.

Found in 1st, NOT found in 2nd

When this message is displayed, all parameters are not found in the second member, but are found in the first member.

Parent Topic

Results of IOACMPP