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IOABLCAL Parameters

Parameters are supplied to the utility either using DD statement DABCLIN (or SYSIN) or using PARM. You can specify any number of parameter statements. The parameter statement syntax is

calendar1 operator calendar2=calendar3


Table 16 IOABLCAL parameters



calendar1, calendar2

Input calendars


One of the following operators

+, –, *, <W nn, >W nn, <>W, ><W


Resulting calendar

If the operation is +, calendar3 contains all days scheduled in calendar1 and additionally all days scheduled in calendar2.

If the operation is –, calendar3 contains all days scheduled in calendar1 excluding those days scheduled in calendar2.

If the operation is *, calendar3 contains all days scheduled in calendar1 that are also scheduled in calendar2. The day has to be marked for execution in both calendars in order to be marked for execution in calendar3.

If calendar2 is a relative calendar, additional logic is required to handle the * operation mentioned above. (A relative calendar is a calendar that contains days marked + or - instead of, or in addition to, days scheduled or not scheduled.) Each day in calendar2 that contains a + or – sign is checked against the same day in calendar1. If the day is marked for execution in calendar1, it is marked for execution in calendar3. However, if the day is not marked for execution in calendar1, the result depends on how the day was marked in calendar2:

Operations <W nn and >W nn create a new calendar (calendar3) by shifting the days in an old calendar (calendar1) a specified number of working days according to the specified workdays calendar (calendar2):

The logic for operations <W nn and >W nn is as follows:

Note: If specifying operator *,<W nn, >W nn, <>W, or ><W, calendars must be defined in year order, must contain the same years, and must not contain more than 15 years.

Parent Topic

IOABLCAL – Build Calendars