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Overview of the conversion process steps

The conversion process consists of the following steps, which can be implemented separately according to the needs of the report distribution environment.

  1. Tailor and Run Member SARJASML.
  2. Create the Control-D Recipient Tree from CA-View recipient reports. The Control-D Recipient Tree is a very important element of Control-D. It is used by almost all Control-D processes. Therefore, the Recipient Tree should include all Control-D recipients before you begin testing Control-D functions.
  3. Create Control-D decollation mission definitions from CA-View information. To accomplish this, do the following:
    1. Extract Report Definitions From the CA-View Database
    2. Check or Modify Options Specified in Member SARDEFDM
    3. Tailor and Run Jobs SARJDEC1 and SARJDEC2
  4. Create the Control-D History User file from CA-View information, to enable access to reports archived by CA-View. Do the following:
    1. Tailor and Run Jobs SARJRPA1 and SARJRPA2
    2. Tailor and Run Jobs SARJARC1 and SARJARC2
    3. Tailor and Recompile User Exits CTDX004 and CTDX024
  5. Test the Conversion.

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Conversion Steps