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Step 4.A Tailor and Run Jobs CADCARC1 and CADCARC2
  1. Tailor members CADCARC1 and CADCARC2 in the IOA SAMPLE library. These members are CULPRIT report definitions. Adjust them according to your local conventions. Create the JCL for running this report. Ensure that the output is routed to a file and not to a sysout.
  2. Write the CULPRIT report to a sysout. Only the DD statement specified for this report must contain a dataset definition and not a sysout. The reason for this is based on ASA code considerations in the conversion program.

    The following table describes the input and output for this step:

    Table 11 Jobs CADCARC1 and CADCARC2 Input and Output




    CA-DISPATCH database


    Two sequential files containing the reports

    Name the first output file (created by job CADCARC1) CTD.CADI.OUTREP. Otherwise, you must change the name in job CADJARC1.

    The output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FB, logical record length 80.

    The file format is illustrated below:


             REPORT      JOB             RECIPIENT

                                      BEAUCHAT TOM


            ADAREP       GPADA004     AIS ARCUS

            ADAREP       GPADA004     TECH    SUPPORT


    Name the second output file (created by job CADCARC2) CTD.CADI.HISREP. Otherwise, you must change the name in job CADJARC1.

    The output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FA, logical record length 133.

  3. Submit the job for execution and check the sysout for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Parent Topic

Step 4 Create Control-D History File