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Step 3.C Tailor and Run Job CADCDJDE
  1. Tailor member CADCDJDE in the IOA SAMPLE library. This member is a CULPRIT report definition. Do not change the CULPRIT definition. Otherwise, results are unpredictable. Ensure that the output is routed to a file and not to a sysout. DD statement SYS018 references the output file.

    The report does not contain any JCL. You must add the correct JCL. Specify the file destination only in the JCL and not in the CULPRIT options because the ASA code is used during the conversion process.

    The following table describes the input and output for this step:

    Table 6 Job CADCDJDE Input and Output




    CA-DISPATCH database.


    A sequential file containing the report

    Name the output file CTD.CADI.DJDE. Otherwise, you must change the name in job CADJDJDE. The output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FBA, logical record length 1300.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the sysout for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

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Step 3 Create Printing Parameters