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Step 2.D Tailor and Run Job CADJDECM

This job creates the Control-D REPORTS library for report decollation mission definitions.

The following table describes the input and output for this step:

Table 3 Job CADJDECM Input and Output




CTD.CADI.REPORT file, created by CADCDECM (as described in Step 2.A above). If the CA-DISPACH Maildrop is used as the Control-D Recipient name, the job must be tailored to use CTD.CADI.REPORT.UPDATED, created in Step 2.C, instead of CTD.CADI.REPORT.

Member CADDEFDM in the IOA SAMPLE library. This member contains external parameters for the conversion. These parameters are used as defaults for the report decollation definitions.


A PDS library containing Control-D generic report decollation mission definitions.

The default file name is CTD.REPORTS. The output file has the following characteristics: partitioned dataset, logical record length 80, blocksize 3120.

  1. Tailor member CADJDECM in the IOA SAMPLE library.


  2. Submit the job for execution and check the sysout for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Parent Topic

Step 2 Create Decollation Mission Definitions