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Use the CTDBLDTR utility to create or modify the Control-D Recipient Tree. This utility uses input from two sources: a report (referenced by DD statement REPORT), and a set of instructions (referenced by DD statement SYSIN) specifying how the data in the report is used to create users in the Recipient Tree.

This utility produces a list (referenced by DD statement SYSPRINT) summarizing the structure (input supplied by the user in SYSIN), and the Recipient Tree (referenced by DD statement TREE). TREE is a member of a partitioned dataset. If TREE is an empty member, the utility creates the Recipient Tree. If TREE contains an existing Recipient Tree, the utility modifies it.

The utility scans each line of the REPORT input and processes it according to the specifications included in the SYSIN data.

For sample JCL programs to execute utility CTDBLDTR, see the CTDBLDDC and CTDBLDJB members in the IOA SAMPLE library.

Parent Topic

Building a Control-D Recipient Tree