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Special Considerations

  1. The RECIPIENT NAME in the CA-DISPATCH report has 16 characters maximum, blanks allowed. To adjust the RECIPIENT NAME to the Control-D environment, the name is truncated to 8 characters and blanks are replaced by underscores ("_"). Another option is to use the CA-DISPATCH Maildrop for the Control-D Recipient name as it described above.
  2. The function of the PAGE FLAG in CA-DISPATCH is implemented by AND/OR logic in the WHEN statement, and by the following Control-D parameters:

    CONTID (Y/N).


    PRINT (Y/N).

    Special user name NULL must be defined in the Recipient Tree to support the REFER TO NEXT PAGE option.

  3. The ARCHIVE option in CA-DISPATCH is converted to the BACKUP option in Control-D. When N is specified in the CA-DISPATCH report definition, no backup mission name is inserted in the report decollation definition. Otherwise, the default BACKUP mission name, specified as an external parameter in member CADDEFDM, is used in the DO BACKUP statement.
  4. The DO NAME statement in each Control-D report decollation definition is set to the CA-DISPATCH report name concatenated with report description.
  5. In each ON CLASS statement, parameter EXTWTR is set to the CA-DISPATCH report name. The report decollation is then made to this EXTWTR.
  6. If a string is specified for TEST purposes in the CA-DISPATCH report, the same test is performed in Control-D. In addition, the conversion enables you to open a window for a string search. For more information, see "#LINES RANGE".
  7. There is a maximum default value for the number of cards for each member built by this conversion. This number is specified in routine CADSDECM in the #CARDS and AREALEN constants. If necessary, this value can be locally tailored.
  8. Each member created in a DJDEPARM, APAPARM, or OUTPARMS library is assigned a member name according to the following criteria:
  9. DJDE parameters ITEXT, OTEXT and RTEXT can contain a maximum of 82 characters in field SC. Because the DJDEPARM, APAPARM and OUTPARMS libraries have a LRECL of 80, the text in field SC is truncated to the maximum size line each member can contain.
  10. If the same report is assigned to a user more than once, only the first occurrence of the report record is used. Duplications are ignored. However, if different occurrences of the same report name assigned to a specific user contain the CHARS option, it is added to the OUTPARMS member only if the first record also contained the CHARS option.
  11. The contents of each member is constructed as follows:
  12. Carefully check the CADLDJDE DSECT, describing the DJDE CA-DISPATCH record (Types 7, 8, 9, and A) before submitting job CADJDJDE, because the local tests performed for these record types do not contain complete information. Therefore, the field offsets can be incorrect. If the CADLDJDE DSECT is changed, programs CADSDJDE and CADSCULU must be re-assembled and link-edited into the conversion tool LOAD library.

    When changing the offsets within each DSECT, take special care with the SORT FIELDS of each conversion job, because the SORT key is based on a combination of USERNAME and REPORT NAME. An invalid sort can produce incorrect results and error messages while building the OUTPARMS, APAPARM and DJDEPARM libraries.

  13. This conversion was designed with the assumption that the JOBNAME field is seldom used in the CA-DISPATCH database. Therefore, all members in the various libraries are named according to USERNAME. If the JOBNAME field is used at your site for every report entry, then:
  14. Set the default parameters in member CADDEFAR before job CADJARC2 is started.

    Do not change the expressions PRODUCT=CA-DISPATCH and CATEGORY=CA-CONVERTED. User Exit CTDX004 inserts the CATEGORY field in the corresponding field in the USER records for additional analysis by User Exit CTDX004. Based on this parameter, Exit CTDX004 determines whether to use a special restore process.

  15. Handling the Universal Report Character.

    When using the CA-DISPATCH Universal Report option, all the report decollation missions created for this type of report can be omitted from the new Control-D REPORTS library. It is easy to identify these "Universal" report decollation missions because they all have a 3-character report name.

    These reports are decollated using one generic decollation mission. This special generic decollation mission is supplied in member CADUNIVR in the IOA SAMPLE library. Copy member CADUNIVR manually to the new Control-D REPORTS library.

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Conversion Steps