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Using Job CADJARC1

Job CADJARC1 is a 9-step job that creates a sequential file for job CADJARC2. Job CADJARC2 builds the Control-D History User file.

  1. Defines all the files used in this job.
  2. Sorts the CULPRIT report list of the definitions and remove unneeded records.
  3. Sorts the table of user names. A sample user name table is supplied in member CADUSER.
  4. Converts user names in the list of report definitions according to the user table in member CADUSER.
  5. Removes duplicate records from the list of report definitions.
  6. Reformats the CULPRIT report list of archived reports using the CADCARC1 report format.
  7. Merges both reports into one report and sorts it by REPORT NAME(default) or JOBNAME. To sort by JOBNAME this step must be adjusted as it is described in JCL comments.
  8. Propagates user names for all records in the resulting report.
  9. Prepares resulting report according to job name for later use by job CADJARC2.

Parent Topic

Creating the Control-D History User File