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Required Reports

The Recipient Tree conversion requires two standard CA-DISPATCH reports:

These reports are generated on separate sequential files.

These two files are used as input to the tree building utility, CTDBLDTR. This program can build the Control-D Recipient Tree from any DSCULP02 report. Specially tailored jobs to convert CA-DISPATCH reports using this program are contained in the IOA SAMPLE library, and described in Chapter 3, "Building a Control-D Recipient Tree." This utility can also be used also to add users to the Control-D Recipient Tree from any other DSCULP02 report. Instructions on how to use the CTDBLDTR utility are also contained in the IOA SAMPLE library, and described in Chapter 3, "Building a Control-D Recipient Tree."

Program CADSTREE is used to prepare the DSCULP04 report for processing by program CTDBLDTR.

Two jobs are supplied in the conversion tool IOA SAMPLE library:

Parent Topic

Creating the Control-D Recipient Tree