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Step 3.D Tailor and Run Jobs SARJDEC1 and SARJDEC2

Jobs SARJDEC1 and SARJDEC2 build the Control‑D decollation mission definitions.

  1. The following table describes the input and output for this step:

    Table 3 Jobs SARJDEC1 and SARJDEC2 Input and Output




    File SAR.OUTREP is extracted from the CA-View database by the job SARJRPA1.

    File SAR.BANDLREP is extracted from the CA-View database by the job SARJRPA3 (optional).

    Member SARDEFDM in the IOA SAMPLE library contains external parameters for the conversion. These parameters are used as defaults for the report decollation definitions. Make the necessary changes before you run job SARJDEC1.

  2. Tailor members SARJDEC1 and SARJDEC2 in the IOA SAMPLE library.
  3. Submit the jobs for execution and check the sysout for error messages. Condition code 0 indicates the proper completion of the job.

Note: Ensure that the SPACE parameter in job SARJDEC2 specified for the DAREPMIS file contains enough directory blocks, and that the primary allocation value is large enough.

Parent Topic

Step 3 Convert Report Definitions