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Special Considerations

  1. The USER NAME in the CA-View report has the same characteristics as the USER NAME in CA‑View files (16 characters maximum, blanks allowed). To adjust the USER NAME to the Control‑D environment, the name is truncated to 8 characters and blanks are replaced by underscores ("_"). This process is applied to the Recipient Tree conversion, but the full USER NAME is set to one of the synonyms in the tree.
  2. The function of the PAGE FLAG in CA‑View is implemented by AND/OR logic in the WHEN statement, and by the following Control‑D parameters:

    CONTID (Y/N)
    PRINT (Y/N)

    Special user name NULL must be defined in the Recipient Tree to support the REFER TO NEXT PAGE option.

  3. The ARCHIVE option in CA‑View is converted to the BACKUP option in Control‑D. When N (No) is specified in the CA‑View report definition, no backup mission name is inserted in the report decollation definition. Otherwise, the default BACKUP mission name, specified as an external parameter in member SARDEFDM in the IOA SAMPLE library, is used in the DO BACKUP statement.
  4. The DO NAME statement in each Control‑D report decollation definition is set to the CA‑View report name.
  5. There is a maximum default value for the number of statements for each member built by this conversion. This number is specified in routine SARSREP7 in the #CARDS and AREALEN constants. If necessary, this value is locally tailored.
  6. Set the default parameters in member SARDEFAR before job SARJARC2 is started.

    Do not change the statements PRODUCT=CA-VIEW and CATEGORY=SAR-CONVERTED. The CATEGORY field is inserted in the corresponding field in the USER records for additional analysis by User Exit CTDX004. Based on this parameter, Exit CTDX004 determines whether a special restore process is used.

  7. The report definition conversion program creates ON CLASS or ON DSN decollation missions, depending on the value of parameter ONDSN in member SARDEFDM in the IOA SAMPLE library. When ON DSN decollation missions are created, the ON DSN statements have the format:

    ON DSN=DDNAME=ddname,PGMSTEP=pgmstep

  8. DO MIGRATE statements are generated if the name of the migration mission is defined in member SARDEFDM in the IOA SAMPLE library.

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