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Control-M Monitor

The Control‑M monitor procedure CONTROLM is supplied with a default region size of 0 MB. The specified region size is honored by z/OS unless a local exit is employed to limit the region size of jobs and started tasks (STCs). The region size may be limited by MVS Exit IEALIMIT, by IEFUSI, or by other MVS and JES exits.

If Control‑M monitor startup fails due to insufficient region size, message IEF374I of the Control‑M monitor sysout can be examined to determine how much virtual storage was actually used.

At startup, the monitor obtains working storage. The monitor tries to allocate this storage above the 16 MB line. When the Journaling facility is enabled (parameter JRNL in member CTMPARM of the IOA PARM library is set to Y) storage above the bar (4GB) is also allocated.

Under certain circumstances, RMF and SDSF display incorrect real storage consumption of the monitor. They actually show virtual storage consumption. This can occur due to one or more of the following:

In such cases, z/OS does not perform any page-outs and does not update its counters.

Parent Topic

Control-M virtual storage requirements