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Copy procedure

Copies procedures to a site procedure library.

Certain situations require that you manually copy a procedure to a site procedure library. For example, if the SITEPROC IOA installation parameter is set to DONTCOPY, you must copy a modified version of the CTRTROLR procedure to a site procedure library.

To do this, do the following:

  1. Type 4 in the OPTION field and press Enter. The Build a Job Specification Panel for this option is displayed.

    Figure 60 Copy a Procedure Specification Panel

----------------------- Build a Job Specification Panel   Enter required field

COMMAND ===>                                                                  

This utility copies an IOA procedure to a site procedure library.             

The procedure is copied with remame after the necessary JCL statements        

were inserted into it.                                                        

You can request that the members IOASET and IOAENV will be copied as well.    


Input procedure name  ==>                                                     


Output procedure name ==>                                                     


Site library ........ ==> DONTCOPY                                            


Copy IOASET and IOAENV==> Y   (Y/N)                                           


Press Enter to copy the procedure       PF3 to Exit                           

  1. Define the parameters in this screen as shown in the following table:

    Table 176 Parameters in the Build a Job Specification Panel (2)



    Input procedure name

    Name of the procedure to copy.

    Output procedure name

    To rename the procedure, specify a procedure name. Otherwise, leave blank.

    Site library

    The name of your site procedure library.

    Copy IOASET and IOAENV

    Indication that you want the IOASET and IOAENV members copied also to the new site procedure library.

    Valid values are:

    • Y – Copy the IOASET and IOAENV members. Default.
    • N – Do not copy the IOASET and IOAENV members.
  2. Press Enter.

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