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This option allows you to specify members of an existing installation from which values should be inserted into the reference column in the Parameters Table. Use this option to specify members other than the default members supplied during environment definition.

To access this option, do the following:

  1. Type 1 in the OPTION field to select Option 1, REFERENCE, and press Enter.

    The Reference Member Specification Panel is displayed.

    Figure 58 Reference Member Specification Panel

--------------------- Reference Member Specification Panel -------------------

COMMAND ===>                                                                  

Product  IOA            Environment: DOC900                                   

     Reference Member                                                         


     Type          Dataset Name                           Member              

     DEFPARM   ==> IOAP.V9zz.PARM                     ==> DEFPARM             

     xxxPARM   ==> IOAP.V9zz.PARM                     ==> IOAPARM             

     The Reference release was determined according to the Reference libraries

     prefix specified in the ENVIRONMENT table. Check/change the value.       

     Reference release ==> 900                                                

     Insert into REFERENCE column                     ==> YES  (Yes/No)       

  1. The reference values can be retrieved from a version 8.x.xx installation or a version 7.x.xx installation. To do this, type 800 or 700, as appropriate, in the Reference release field, and press Enter.

    You can retrieve values from both the DEFPARM member and from the xxxPARM member or, if you want, from only one of these. If you leave the Member field blank in either line, no values will be retrieved from the data set referenced in that line.

  2. When the process of retrieving the values has been completed, press Enter again. The IOA Installation – Main Menu is redisplayed.

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